Trying to get the Amish to do anything like voting is like trying to herd cats. There won't be much success. I read the reports about the Republican attempts to reach out to the Amish, fact is only about 10% of Amish ever vote. Abortion and Gay Marriage are issues that could turn them on, but Afghanistan and Iraq are enough to turn them right back off. Amish are vehement pacifists.
The east of this state remains steady democrat and the west has reversed a trend towards the republicans. I live in Central Pa (Pennsyltucky), this area, through my life, has been about as conservative and red as anywhere in the nation.
Lately, I've seen democratic signs like Kerry/Edwards lawn signs out in greater frequency here than I ever have before. It's most likely the recent influx of Baltimore residents who are trying to escape high city taxes by living in York/Lancaster/Adams counties. With democratic Harrisburg to the north this area has lost it's intense red brilliance and is becoming more of a dull pink.
Don't worry bout PA. We were slightly Kerry before the debates and have moved 5-7 points ahead in most of the national polls since debate 2. Debate 3 will be unnecessary. The three most important states in this race, if any of them switch sides means the end for the other are PA, OH and FL. I believe OH is the one most in play for us, especially with 200+% relative incrases in democrat voter rolls in some areas for this cycle.