Anyone got a cold?
I dont know how many people are into Herbal remedies but I'm pretty hardcore on that subject. I find it fascinating that you can cure diseases and prevent them from things that come from the earth. I just recently stumbled upon a cold remedy that I'm trying out on this girl I'm dating (I really dont get sick that often because I eat right and I catch illnesses early with a double shot of wheatgrass). The infusion consists of bioling 4 cups of water with 4 grams of Astragalus (a bean root native to north asia known for it's anti-virul properties) for twenty minutes (sweeten with honey, hell, you could even use honey made in or close to your area to rid yourself of your allergies, killing two birds with one stone). It actually tastes pretty good and it's easy to make! You can pick up the Astragalus membranaceous at most asian food stores or some herb shops (shit, some herb stores even have a pre-made tinchures, though the tinchure isn't as effective specifically with Astragalus as it is with most other herbs because the alcohol causes the components to condence out of the liquid, thus they stick to the herb dregs that are tossed out or to the surfaces of the processing equipment) . If you are interested in any more Herbal remedies post here or PM me.
I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.
- Zach Braff