Something is very wrong
alright here's the story....a few nights ago is was just surfing the net and i guess i made a wrong click somewhere and a few windows and such popped up on the computer and vanished. i figured that i just screwed myself up by somehow installing some spyware and adware.....and i did. i rebooted my comp and found that when i pressed Ctl+Alt+Delete i had quite a few programs running in the backround that i didnt want. i have Ad-aware installed and just to be safe i also installe Spy-bot and SpyDoctor (i think thats what its called.)
i unplugged my ether-net cable and started running Ad-aware. i figured that i'd run the program, re-boot, and run it again until it wasnt finding anything and move on to the next program. well after a few times it was working, but during one reboot something really strange happened. i turned on the computer and three things were messed up. 1.) i had lost control of my mouse. when i booted up i could see it in the center of the screen, but it would go away when the machine was all booted up. 2.) the computer would only display in 16 colors. 3.) it would only display in 640x480 resolution.
if i try to change my colors to anything higher or change the resolution it makes me restart the computer, and even then nothing is fixed. Windows Media Player isnt there either...its like i have no video card. and its a pain in the ass trying to get anything done using only arrows, enter, and tabbing, and i really want to know what is wrong.
the computer itself is a little older but it gets the job done. i'm running Windows Me, with a 900 III, and the video card isnt stand alone and is one of those shared cards. i'm either thinking one of three things.....either some of this spy-ware/ad-ware is fucking up something, or i've got some sort of virus (not very likely because when this happened everything was running fine and i wasnt connected to the interne), or lastly i've killed something.
does anyone have any sort of suggestions?