My thoughts about the video:
1. the plans seems to fly somewaht low, at least low enough for the people to see the plane. Still there is no reaction, it doesn't look like they are afraid of an millitary plane. If those people were insurgents I think the would have taken cover.
2. due to the video quality it is impossible to tell if those people were aremed. But when the pilot asks permission to fire, he reports a large number of people. He doesn't mentions any kind of weapon or any hostile action. The response to kill them follows immediately.
Together with the attack on unarmed demonstrators (,00.html) it looks like the USA troops are quite trigger happy. It this the way the USA wants to win the hearts and mind of the Iraqi People?
Iraq is revolting against the USA, NY times reports 2368 attacks in 30 Days (,1020,394373,00.gif) there was no iraqi province that was peaceful (like Alawi claimed)