Originally Posted by tman17m
...she just flat out said..."i just dont love you anymore".
Yeah man...it's like one day she loves you more than anyone in the world, and the next, she doesn't. Here's my breakup sob story:
My girlfriend had been acting strange, going out with other guys and saying she was with her friends, etc. Well one day when she was sleeping, I checked her cell phone (which I can't stress how wrong it is, but I still did it out of the paranoia that grew in me throughout our relationship) and found this guy's number. I was extremely hesitant to call, because if it was just one of her co-workers, I would've been made the dumbass.
So I get a call from my girlfriend one day when we were supposed to hang out, "I think I'm coming up with a fever. I'm sorry but I'm just going to stay home." Being the stupidly-in-love guy that I was, I immediately got ready, bought her two-dozen roses, and took an hour-long bus ride to her house to surprise her and make her feel better. I show up, and she's acts all happy, looks at me deep in the eyes and says, "I love you so much. I'm so lucky that you're all mine," kisses me, and I tell her that she should get inside so her fever doesn't get any worse (I couldn't go in because her dad was strict about letting anyone in the house while they were in their leisure clothes).
So on the hour-long bus ride back home, that phone number is nagging me constantly. Finally I say to myself, "Man, what if all this, all she said, is a lie? What If I'm living a lie?" So I decided to call that number when I got home. I get home, call the number, and find out that she's been seeing this guy behind my back, and that she slept with him for the first time the night before. That day still replays in my head like it was yesterday, even though it was over half a year ago.