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Old 09-20-2004, 08:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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British Ministry of Defence refuses to recall malfunctioning APC's,,2-2004432566,00.html
TROOPS' lives are being put at risk by dodgy machine-guns on Army personnel carriers - which can fire at random because of a fault.

The MoD has refused to withdraw the weapons from service.

And modifications have been ruled out because of cost - even though top brass have known of the problem for FIVE YEARS, and it could affect the Army's entire 800-strong fleet of Warrior carriers.

The vehicles' chain guns throw out 400 rounds of 7.62mm calibre ammo in a minute.

A soldier in Iraq lost a leg after he was riddled with six bullets fired in error.

But the Army has simply issued warning notices to all Warrior crews telling them to guard against the fault.

Investigators believe the problem - officially termed "undemanded fire" - is caused by electrical short circuits.

But other worrying malfunctions include the turret rotating by itself and the back door opening without warning.

Troops have dubbed the carriers Christine, after horror writer Stephen King's killer car which takes on a life of its own.

Shadow Tory defence minister Gerald Howarth said: "By allowing this problem to persist the Government are placing troops and civilians in potential danger.

"Simply issuing a note is less than satisfactory."

Royal Highland Fusilier Albert Thompson, 35, had his right leg amputated after a Warrior suddenly opened fire on him in Iraq last year.

Armed Forces minister Adam Ingram said: "There is a very low risk of undemanded firing."
I can just imagine the memo:

To the Operators of Warrior Armored Personnel Carriers:

It has come to our attention that your Personnel Carriers may be exhibiting unexpected autonomic behaviors on the battlefield. The problems have been documented over the last several years, and are as follows:

1: The turret has been known to rotate without operator input.

2: The rear door may open at random, exposing you to enemy fire.

3: The turret gun has been known to fire without user input due to what is believed to be a short circuit.

We aren't actually doing anything about these problems, but it would be bloody rude of us not to let you blokes know about it.

Ministry of Defence

Now, back to being serious. What the fuck are they thinking? These things are deployed over in Iraq. One guy already lost his leg, how are we going to explain it if a couple of wires cross and unload a whole chain of ammo into a Mosuqe, or a residential neighborhood? Someone needs to take action and fix it.
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