Classless Yankee fans!
Disclaimer: The views stated herein do not apply to all Yankee’s fans, only a good portion!
First let me say that I am a huge Buffalo Bills fan as well as Baltimore Orioles fan and I know how it is to be labeled an asshole solely because of my affiliation as a fan of the Bills because of the way their fans behave not only at games, but anywhere. This is something that I cannot change; however, I try to conduct myself in a manner where I would always be proud to be a fan of the Bills. ( I hope that makes sense)
With that said, I hope this doesn’t piss off the good Yankee fans, but you know who you are. I hail from Rochester, NY where our Red Wings were the farm club for the Orioles for years, so I have seen many of the greats come up through the ranks. Being the father of four, I never had the money to go to Camden Yards to see a game. My brother fulfilled my dream of some day seeing one this past weekend. He gave me two tickets and a weekend stay for my birthday. So my wife and I went this past weekend and saw the O’s beat the Yanks on Friday night, 14-8. What a beautiful ballpark!
The worst part about the whole trip was the loud, obnoxious, drunken Yankee fans. I felt bad for some of the parents that were at the game, whose kids witnessed these idiots. (For this same reason, I refuse to take my kids to another Bills game) It’s a shame that these events, which used to be family atmosphere have gotten out of hand!
I spoke to some Oriole’s fans at a restaurant the following night, and they said this happens every time the Yankee’s come to town. Police work overtime, vandalism increases. It’s a travesty that a team so rich in history and tradition should be tainted by the actions of its fans!
And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln