Right now I’d say it’s a 75% chance the ‘Bush documents’ which CBS ran are fakes. They may still be true, but the number of people directly involved who have come out and said they are false seems to be growing. Maybe they are authentic, and I have not ruled that out yet, but lets pretend they are in fact forgeries.
There is a report out that the documents came from the DNC to Kerry’s campaign who passed them on to CBS. Lets assume this is hypothetically true as well for arguments sake.
Now if it were to come out that the DNC knew these were forgeries and attempted to set up Bush would you still vote for Kerry?
looks pretty slanted to me. Not to mention you come out and say that the documents are more than likely faked. Now lets look at your other question
As such lets say the Bush admin is behind the investigation into Kerry’s medals and is using the pentagon to make him look bad. Would you still vote for Bush? (For the 5 TFP politics readers who are voting for Bush )
You phrase this one which much less assertedness then the first. You phrase the first like it is true.