She said its because she doesnt want me to become friends with them encase we break up(so her friends arent my friends in other words). WTF she shouldnt be thinking that way to begin with right?
This is in my opinion the most troubling information you gave about your relationship. How many of these guy friends has she already gone out with before you were in a relationship? Not to say she's in a relationship with them now, they could either be normal friends or friends that want more but are just being led on. Either way, I think it's very unhealthy sign in a relationship if a S/O doesn't want you to know any of their friends.
But on the other hand, what is your own life like? Do you go out and have fun without your S/O? Involved with any groups/clubs/sports? Are you an engaging interesting person on your own without this girl? If your "life is ending" just because of relationship problems, you may want to ask yourself if you are the kind of person your future wife would want. Or better yet ask yourself if you are the person you want to be.