Amps can sound harsh, the metallic sound is really harsh highs and when that happens the midrange suffers. The only amp i've heard soundling like that was Db-Drive's line of Speed and Platinum series 4 channels. I thought they were pretty good sounding tell my 4 channel went out for the 3rd time and I just gave up on Db-Drive (there accessories DB-Link, eveything but the topmount terminals are awesome). I hooked my 4 Mb-Quart Componet speakers to a single 2 channel Kicker 120.2 and I couldent believe the diffrence. I turn off all the amps highlow/features and run everything though a 6 channel 6volt line driver and a 6 channel crossover. So it was getting the same signal and frequencies that my other amps were, but they never sounded that good. I got it from an authorised dealer, but i've have a deadhead in the dash so when my 4 channel goes out, all I have is bass which isn't any way to listen to music lol.