My parents divorced when I was 7, due to an infidelity issue. To this day, I still don't know what they went through, but I do know my mother was very bitter. I accepted the fact that they were splitting up, and went about life as I could. I will say this though: My mother made it hell for my father. She told us he was evil, he didn't care about us, and this and that, and made it very difficult to see us and when he did, just found something to make life difficult over. Today, I don't have any problems with marriage, I just feel you'll find the right one eventually. The only thing I have issues with is whom do I believe? I used to hear only mom's side of it, everything she told me. I never learned my father's side. Although whenever he would visit, he was never mean or abusive towards any of us. He was rather kind. I haven't spoken to him in almost 7 years now, but I think I would like to hear what he has to say about it, mainly because I work with a divorced father, who pays child support, goes to work every day, and his ex (who cheated on him and ran away with his children) refuses to allow him to see his kids. I heard his story, how he misses his children, wishes he could see them, but has practically given up because of his ex's malicious ways, and now I wonder if my father says the same things about us. Hence the issue of whom do I believe? Sorry if I strayed from my point but I thought I would open up a little bit

. (I'm 25 now btw)