I don't know if by United Nations you mean the organization in NY or if you mean a bunch of united nations. The organization is out. If it were possible to actually unite nations it would solve all the world's problems - not actually, I almost forgot about Texas and Oklahoma. This would approach Utopia and that isn't likely to happen. The EU is probably dead before it ever starts because there are nations in Europe that have to be nombre une! I believe it would be easier to unite the Americas, or at least N America than it would to unite Europe. In spite of our current differences the U.S. and Canada are very much alike - Mexico is in the process of self-destructing. To unite anything south of Mexico would be difficult.
A lot of things would have to happen to have what all of you hint at being world peace.
1. Religion - I'm not sure there can ever be peace so long as there is religion. That's a terrible thing to say but - those who run around talking about peace the most represent the base cause of probably 75% of all the wars in the history of man.
2. Nationalism - Nationalism is good - nationalism is bad - Extreme nationalism causes war. If you need an example WW l should fit the bill. Extreme nationalism leads to arms races and the "my country, right or wrong" attitude that has been so very prevalent in the past couple of months.
3. Unequal distribution of wealth - the haves and the have nots would have to throw it all in a pot and divide it up equally. I have been told that if this were to happen the haves would have it all back in a short time and the have nots would be in worse shape than when they started. Equal distribution of wealth would lead to unacceptable forms of government - forms that have proven to be unworkable in the past.
These are my thoughts - callous as they might appear .
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!