Go for it, just realize that it will progress a lot faster with her than it will for you.
Have fun, be her boy toy, but two things will happen very very quickly. Either she'll want to progress to marriage (bio clock ticking), or she'll have her fun with you until she meets someone she actually sees a future with and drop you like a bad habbit.
Happened to me with a 30 year old, I'm 21. She didnt look a day over 22, sex was wild and great, and since I'm still in college she had no qualms about picking up the tab for the dates. We both knew I was just her boy toy, I was cool with it (as she was AWSOME in bed). One day she met a new guy older than her, and we simply stopped, no hurt on either side. If you think you could do that go for it, by about 30 they've experienced themselves, so they know what they like and can teach you lots of tricks. But as I said prepare yourself for what will happen.