Inflexible penis?
Hello, all. This is my first post in these forums, and I love the community I see here. Thanks for listening to me.
I am a young college freshman, and I am having a problem with my erect penis. When it becomes erect, it doesn't want to move very much at's highly inflexible. I can move it in a perpendicular motion to my stomach only about 45 to 90 lies flat on the stomach and I cannot push it out so that it points straight out...if I attempt to do this, the penis begins to hurt. The shaft itself is very inflexible, and I can't get much bend out of it at's like having a pencil attached to my crotch as opposed to some sort of flexible foam.
Does anyone know what exactly this is? Am I just young, or is this a medical problem that I should have looked at?
Thank you very much!