Girl advice - friends ex?
There is this girl that i have started liking lately, and I think she likes me too. She always calls me to see if I want to do something, and when ever we go somewhere with a bunch of friends she always wants to sit next to me. also on the fourth of july, she wanted to ditch all of our firends go to the fireworks alone with me.
The only problem is, she just broke up with one of my friends about two months ago (about 1.5 year relationship, she broke up with him). The friend she broke up with isnt one of my best friends, more like one of the friends I only hang out with when im with a group of friends, but he is still kind of a cool dude.
Would it be ok to try and make a move on her, or are friends ex's considered off limits? Or am I already friend zoned?
btw, we are all 20, and ive known her for about 2 yrs (since her and my friend starting dating)