Does anyone else avoid responding to offensive posts?
There have been many times on this board where I read a post (often against my better judgement) and get so offended by its sheer ignorance and guile (a deadly combination) that I want to post a really seething response to let these people know just how stupid and contemptable they are.
In the past, I have done so.
These days, I don't bother. In the past, these "debates," if they can be called that, rarely continued in a civil manner. Perhaps more importantly, they never really listened to what I said. They would usually ignore the content of my post and attack points I didn't make. Whenever I would point this out in another response, they would simply do it again. So, I guess I have now given up. People may think what they will and, while I can't say that I don't care, I can say that I don't care to change their mind. People are idiots and I accept that.
If you look at my post history you will see that, as a result, I don't post nearly as much as I used to. The downside is that I have become a less active member of this board. On the upside, I no longer feed the flames of volatile threads. Is this a good trade off? I don't know but it's the path I seem to be taking.
So, my question is this: has anyone else found themselves in my position?