Your boyfriend was going to attend your graduation, your parents weren't, and your ex-"friends" didn't acknowledge your accomplishment because you left their church. One person in this whole situation is associated with you because of a choice that you made, the rest are coincidental acquantainces, and the one who you chose to be with is the one who stuck with you, even if he wasn't able to make it to your graduation. The rest ditched you because you wouldn't be brainwashed into thinking the way they wanted you to think. Fuck 'em all. With 20/20 hindsight, it's easy to see who is worth associating with and who isn't. If a common religion strengthens a bond between people, it's a good thing. If the bond is conditional on a common religion, it's not a friendship. If your parents won't even show up for your graduation because you're associated with someone outside of their religion (not that I said theirs, not yours,) it's no better than being brainwashed members of a cult who accept you based solely on conformity.
If your parents can't love you when you think diferently, they aren't worth being in your life. Move out, cut ties, give them some time to think about it, and if they still won't accept you and love you as a child without being allowed to brainwash you, don't look back. Maybe give them the courtesy of attending their funerals when the time comes.
Don't think that you have to be happy with the decisions you make, just be sure that you learn from them regardless of the emotion with which you look back at them. It is their problem, not yours. Do what's right for you.