I'm not married but I hope that doesn't make what I say here irrelevent. It sounds to me like if you married this woman then yes, that's what marriage would be like! It doesn't look like she's going to change. And if she's like this during the first year when couples are going out of their way to impress each other and do a great job at being a partner, it could only go downhill after marriage.
Despite a high divorce rate, most of the members here who have said they're married have fantastic marriages. No relationship is prefect, but some are better than others. Some relationships downright suck, and some just blow your mind.
I don't think anyone can say 'marriage is like this'. It's how you and your partner make it! If you marry a half-assed woman (like she sounds to be, and I hope I don't offend you with that) then your marriage will be bad, but if you marry a wonderful woman then I imagine it would generally be good.
I may be looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, but I'm happy to do so