Anabolic steroids were developed to reduce the side effects of regular testosterone. Almost none of them will build muscle better than test, but they reduce the other problems. Things like testicle shrinkage, hair loss on head, hair growth in other areas, other things like that. See, much of the test you take aromatizes into dht, which causes the hair loss and is very androgenic. Artificial testosterones were created to try to eliminate some of the androgenic effects. The first was deca-durabolin, and it is a classic muscle builder. Others were built to tweak the effects. Some anabols build red blood cells and treat anemia very efficiently. Others minimize androgenic effects but tear up the liver. Because test is injected (swallowing it would destroy it because the body would digest it) it bypasses the liver and is less harmful to the liver. Other oral steroids pass much more readily through the liver and cause a lot more damage to process.
BTW, I have never used steroids, but I am a personal trainer. do they work? Yes. Are they harmful? Less harmful than cocaine, ecstasy, lsd, speed, heroin, or many other drugs. Do they cause problems? There are side effects and because it is illegal, the medical community igonres helping athletes who are using them. Should athletes take them? On principle, no. Have any track and field or weightlifting records in the past 40 years been set without them? Probably not, and certainly not in the last twenty years. Witness the Irish swimmer who stank in the 92 olympics, Took a couple of golds, in the 96 olympics, and then failed drug tests the next year. Look at the whole chinese swim team who dominated one olympics and then was eliminated in the nest couple of years for failing frug tests.