A person who's not held a job, nor lived away from home is going to have a tough time understanding the real world. Right now she lives in a very sheltered place, and that's fine for her age, but you live in the real world. Sometimes, world's collide.
May spending more time apart will help. That's a healthy hike if she's doing it 5 days a week. Cut it down to 2 or 3 and she might be more reasonable about the weekends.
It's not fair that you should be expected to drive her home, then turn around and drive yourself home. That's a lot of driving, how would she feel if you were in an accident because you were tired, does she even know that possibility exists?
Think long and hard about marriage. If you are having trouble agreeing on this, what will happen when big issues come up?
Good luck
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.