Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Isn't it one of the pillars?
Originally posted by j8ear
Yes it is one of the five pillars.
Ummmm NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! As a matter of FACT! Jihad is NOT!one of the five pillars of Islam. Don't believe everying (anything) you hear on Fox News.
(and thats just the first two hits from a Google search for: pillars of Islam)
And as for Jihad itself, well I do not think it means what you think it means (great quote there, anyone know where its from? You win a Cookie if you do), or how our "liberal" (and by liberal, I mean neo-nazi) media insist upon using it. Jihad simply means “struggle” and is used most usually to refer to the inner struggle that one had between good and evil.
Now, as for all these religious nuts (like Osama) who keep using Jihad and the Muslim religion to promote their own agenda, they deserve that same fate that everyone who uses religion (Bush) for their own gains deserves, option B