Wife's boss being an asshole to her
Well... I don't know whether I am looking for advice, or just venting.
My wife works as a tech for a vet clinic, run by a married couple, both vets. One of the owners, the man, is a bit of a jerk. He has a tendency to be rude and insensitive, even towards customers, but particularly towards his employees.
Today, just as the clinic was closing, he called my wife into the office. He accused her of having made a mistake with a client, because there was 30 bucks more in the cash flow than supposed to. However, the mistake was supposed to have happened on a day when she wasn't working. She pointed that out, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He made some crude joke about taking it out of her salary (although I don't understand why, being that it wasn't money missing, but simply there was 30 bucks more of it than supposed to, to begin with). She was upset by that, the whole thing really, and asked if there was anything else he needed, as the techs were getting ready to head on home. So, he finished with "no, get your sorry excuse for a person outta here".
I was waiting in the car, picking her up, and she cried the whole way home.
She's the kind of person who doesn't understand when people are mean to one another, and when they are, she takes hurtful things to heart. She's a damn hard worker, honest and resposible, and quite frankly the way her boss treats her sometimes really pisses me off.
A part of me wanted to do something about it, because that's how guys are...we want to fix things. Women just want to talk about how they feel, and have you listen to them. Men don't understand that...we don't want to just listen, we want to act.
However, I don't know what if anything I could do, without potentially pissing her boss off and jeopardizing my wife's position there. Ultimately there is probably nothing I can do. But I do feel he was out of line, and he has been several times before.
Pisses me off.
Who is John Galt?