I'm a huge kid advocate but each situation is different. In some instances, it is better to stay together. In others, better to split up. Only you know which is best.
As neo says, you need to think long and hard about how bad it really is. Think about how your marriage was before you started the affair. Were you ready to throw in the towel on the whole thing? Or were you just not real happy with the way things were going. If that's the case, wise up. Nobody has everything exactly the way they want it.
Make sure that you are not giving it all up just because you have exceptionally strong feelings for your friends wife. Make sure it's not for the sex. Don't let an emotion or a fleeting euphoric feeling determine the paths of so many others.
Remember, if this comes out, you will make life extremely difficult for 6 other people. Some of which may be scarred for life.
Good luck.
I blow my nose at you. Now go away before I taunt you a second time.