personally, i think that this case is just going to get chucked out of court, with a mulit-million dollar law suit following, you know, as standard practice in america these days...
but, what will happen after that is what scares me. we're entering a slipery slope about this type of thing. A law can be used in many ways, and can often be given leiniency in certain situations (such as a woman having to have an abortion late in pregnancy because birth would kill her and the baby e.t.c/some poor kid getting rid of a baby because having it will ruin her life and the childs), but there is going to be hardliners out there who will push for a litteral interpretation of the law.
this is what i'm most afraid of, because in the religious randomness of america, it only takes one president (read monkey) to create a law that will be backed so much that it will remove the right of the mother to decide her life.
yes, some people may say that an abortion kills a life, no matter when it is in the pregnancy, but why don't they look at the flip side. if someone has a child without being ready, or having the ability to fully look after it, that child is likely to have a bad life, the mother will effectivly be removed from productive society, and both will often lead miserable lives.
now, which is better, the end of one potential life, or the ruining of two?