I had dishnetwork for 5 years and loved it. I made the mistake of switching to comcast cable when I got their broadband - when it finally became available. Got a tremendous deal by giving them my old crappy dish. After the year is up I am going back to dishnetwork and take advantage of being a new customer with all the goodies for 3 tv's.
Dishnetwork always struck me as a very good company. They kept rates down and customer service was very good. I freekin' HATE comcast. Their equip. is so bad and the stupid TV Guide channel menu, etc. etc.
From all the comments above, and the other thread, I fail to be convinced that Direct TV is somehow better than dishnetwork. brandon11983 makes a good case. That, combined with my past experience of how good a job Charlie Egan had done with DN will have me re-sold.