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Wrong e-mail address

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SuburbanZombie, May 10, 2012.

  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    You keep writing it on the envelopes until it stops or you just through them away. You aren't responsible for mail that's delivered to you incorrectly unless you use it fraudulently, that is posing as the person to get credit, etc.

    It isn't instant as it takes time for USPS to route it back and also for the company to funnel it to the correct person to adjust the system.
  2. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Well she struck again today. This time it was a Realtor sending her a listing. I asked him to let her know about the wrong e-mail address and he did. :)
    I now have her e-mail address.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. ngdawg

    ngdawg Getting Tilted

    You all are either way too nice and sweet or really naive.
    They will not look for a new address-the bills are computer generated and will keep coming. The loser in the mailroom or billing department won't care if you sent them back, especially one at a time.
    There are people of particular cultural surnames who have been using my address to get low cost local clinical services underwritten by one of the local hospitals. Sending back the bills one at a time was pointless because I'd just get more. I finally stopped marking them "return to sender, not at this address" and started a collection of them. Once I had 6, I then marked all of them and mailed them back. It's been three weeks and no bills yet.
    Don't assume that getting these emails/notices is an error. If you are using your real name in an email address, you are setting yourself up. Anyone can find your name and address then email address and any other info they want just like the OP had done to find the person.
  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    So what you're saying is that my suggestion works except for the wording. And I'm "too nice and sweet" or "really naive". Right.
  5. ngdawg

    ngdawg Getting Tilted

    No, I'm saying one piece is not going to get noticed, regardless of the wording. Or are you just trolling for an argument again? Yes, all you all are too nice to assume that this was an accident. Once, maybe. Continuously? No. Sheesh, Jazz , you really are incorrigible. But you knew that..
    • Like Like x 1
  6. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Really, NG? You're the one calling me names, and somehow I'm the one looking for an argument. Wow. Haven't seen that in a while.

    I think you need to reread my first post and realize that you and I are essentially talking about the Exact Same Thing and then think about why YOU decided you had a bone to pick with ME.
  7. ngdawg

    ngdawg Getting Tilted

    Where did I ever call you names? I said YOU ALL, meaning YOU ALL were being too nice and sweet. I would seriously suggest the same thing or you can point out the problem of this name calling.
    I also said I waited and sent the whole PILE of not-me's back at the same time. That does not equate doing it once. Every time I say anything in threads, Jazz, you get on it like white on rice whenever you can. I never for one second said the actions were different, I said what went on HERE at my house. You may choose to ignore, delete or whatever. Just because you are taking one person's post personally does not mean it was aimed at only you. You simply are not that speshul for me to ignore the OP or everyone else here when making commentary.
  8. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    See above for name calling. I'd say "really naive" certainly qualifies.

    You quoted me and certainly didn't make it obvious that you meant anyone other than me, and it's now apparent that you have some sort of problem with me that's heretofore been unrevealed. You basically invited my response. If you think I follow you around looking for you posts, as you implied, you're sadly mistaken. I recognize you as someone who's posted a bit here and there, and .... well, that's pretty much it. Since the basic premises of the entire site is discussion, I'm a bit surprised that you have an issue with someone discussing something with you. Unless you have some sort of absolute need to be right, in which case, fine, ngdawg, you're right. You're always right. I'm sorry for ever responding to anything you've ever written unless it's to say "Huzzah! The Princess of Correct Answers has spoken!"

    Sacrasm aside, I'm basically here doing exactly what you're doing - responding. Why you singled me out in this thread is above my pay grade, so I'm just going to go back to the original post and say that companies that send financial or medical information to the wrong address, either by email or snailmail, have an obligation to correct that problem, mainly because failing to do so can result in some nasty claims in court, especially for medical information (HIPPA anyone?).
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  9. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    HIPAA don't fuck around, that's for sure.
  10. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    hippa please!

    • Like Like x 1
  11. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    I am now in the possession of a name, address, phone number and shipping list for a bedroom set....from a completely different person than the original one....
  12. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    lol, if you also have a phone number, just call the person and have them remove your email from their send to list.
  13. Avestruz

    Avestruz Vertical

    I've had this problem. I get order confirmations and various newsletters and such for a woman with my name. The mailing address of this lady shows up in some of the emails but I haven't sent a letter because part of me thinks that if you're dense enough to repeatedly give the wrong email address over when signing up for things, you'll probably also call the police upon receipt of a well-intended helpful letter because some evildoer on the internet stole your email address or something. I don't know. Once is a simple mistake that anyone can make, several times is just... you fool. I noticed she messed up while giving her address too, the town name is wrong. I am not filled with confidence.

    Anyway, I tried to contact one of the companies this lady does business with years ago and absolutely nothing came of it. More recently I got a very promising 'test' email from a random personal address and excitedly responded to it in hopes that this person was testing things to figure out how this woman is not getting her emails and might let her know what's going on. But still no response.

    Today I got a fairly detailed quote for a cruise and I am tempted to just print, mail it along with the other couple of dozen emails I started filing and just be done with it.
  14. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    This one seems to have been resolved after a few reply e-mails.
    Started off with a few that simply said "This isn't her e-mail address" from wwhich I recieved automated replies that a customer service rep will contact me.
    tried that for 3 e-mails and got the automated one 3 times. The 4th time, I set the text size as huge, cap locked and bolded the message.
    That one got a real response. :)
  15. Avestruz

    Avestruz Vertical

    The awkward thing about my situation is that this woman isn't strictly giving over my email address in error, so it wouldn't be quite right for me to state that the address isn't hers.

    My email address is firstname.lastname@gmail.com but according to Gmail's help section, someone with that email address will also receive anything addressed to its equivalent firstnamelastname@gmail.com, as well as firstnamelastname@googlemail.com so all of these variations of dots/no dots and gmail/googlemail belong to the same account.

    This woman seems to give her email address out as firstnamelastname@googlemail.com but I've also had one email to firstnamelastname@gmail.com and also the test email from a human being was also addressed to firstnamelastname@gmail.com

    I can't totally rule out that Google has messed up by letting her set up the firstnamelastname@googlemail.com address but then proceeded to route all her emails to me. But I am able to log in with both firstname.lastname and firstnamelastname with my own password and it takes me to my own inbox, so it seems rather unlikely. Likelier she has set up her email address as something else, maybe with numbers or something, and then forgotten about those when giving it out.

    I think I'll just send her a letter.