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world of warcraft

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Strange Famous, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    my connection is too slow to do 5 man dungeons, let alone 25 man ones!

    I can solo all of the dungeons up to the middle northend ones (with my hunter character)

    The only other lvl 85 character I have is a paladin and I got bored of that (to be honest I just didnt enjoy the style of play so much as ranged attacks)
  2. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Borderlands! Or rather... Borderlands 2!
  3. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    I feel your pain. I played for years as a ranged and didnt mind helping our fighters and DKs get shadowmourne, but those guys didnt roll on my hunter gear like the rouges did. No way I would want to help them get rogue only daggers*. It wouldnt have killed bliz to have the end boss drop a token that anyone could roll on and cash in for a choice of legendary weapons, maybe even grind out extra bits like we did to get shadowmourne. I finally quit the gear chase last Feb and havent looked back. Regarding the easymode raids, I'm torn. We gamed our butts off to kill Arthas back before they gave you tons of bonus damage and such (oh the wipes, the endless day after day wipes) and finally dropping him was exhilarating, but it was made so because we tried so hard for so long with a tight knit group. Having some random pug blow thru the endgame content seems... dirty, but everyone should have a chance to experience the storyline, but no way they get the same loot. That is one reason why I quit too: I worked my butt off in raids for good gear then with all the badges and such, someone running a couple of dungeons every day could get the same gear I toiled for (mostly). I liked the old tier gaming: casual -> dungeoneer -> raider -> hardcore raider. 4 ways to play, 4 levels of gear (plus the pvpers but I wont get into that). And making raids drop the same stuff 10/25 killed off most of our guild when we stuck with just running 10mans and everyone who didnt make the cut left.

    Waiting for SWKOTR so I can start chasing the carrot again.

    * but I do have love for rogues; one of ours was last man standing on our first 10m LK kill, everyone screaming in vent for him to survive long enough to get LK down to 10%. It was an amazing feat for him to solo down that last 1%.
  4. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    Snowy, I absolutely agree with you. I was tired and spergy last night and definitely bitching about the things in 4.3 that impact me the most, but what I was complaining about for the endgame can definitely be generalized to most of the rest of the content, as well. I'd venture to say that Cata had maybe a third of the leveling contentthat WotLK and TBC had, and I think the follow-up questing content in Cata has been pretty poor. All of the daily zones were serious grinds that most people I know of stopped doing as soon as they were able.

    I get the idea behind wanting to only have 5 new levels, but it really went quickly, especially as guild perks started to take effect. I think it would've been a much better experience if it'd been 10 levels and Vash had been as long as originally intended instead of shrunken and truncated. I'm also really sad about the loss of Path of the Titans as a max-level, non-raiding, non-leveling character progression method.

    I'm also sad that there's no fishing achievement in Cata like there was in Wrath. The coin fountain was one of the coolest things they've ever put in the game, and I leveled fishing from 0 just so I could do it. I love my titanium coin. XD

    It would appear to me that the revamp of the 1-60 game was probably necessary, but it came at a pretty tremendous cost to their ability to build new content into the rest of the expansion. Leveling was lacking, dungeons were lacking, raiding has been lacking. The way they've talked about this expansion, in my opinion, has been far too self-congratulatory, considering the fairly obvious ways in which they've cut corners and content and compromised on a lot of the aspects of the game.

    There's a line between "accessibility" and "a joke." Having a LFR system which allows essentially anyone to jump in the max difficulty raid and complete it (presumably on a reasonably short time frame) and awards gear that's better than Firelands gear is pretty hard to swallow. I get they want people to be able to see what they've worked hard to make, but part of the reward for being organized and being successful is to see the content. Ah well. Eventually there was going to be something in this game that would push me over the edge and make me want to stop playing. Just let D3 come out first.!
  5. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    I would love some kind of WoW spectator system so I could make some popcorn and watch a LFR run. The wipes will be epic and frequent.
  6. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    To be honest, even to me the game has become too easy since cata update

    As an example, in the missions you do as a human from 0-10 there used to be two missions that had some degree of difficulty.

    One you had to kill a pig called Princess
    One when you have to take on this half man half cow called Hogger.

    Princess used to have a "bodyguard", now she has none. Hogger just seems to be much weaker now.

    Multiple times on different classes Hogger chased me into the river and right over to Duskwood. He was a bad man and I never beat him at the same level he was at unless it was 2 on 1.

    Now you can just swagger up to him and hit the attack button and he dies before you, no effort at all - even at the same level.

    As a hunter I killed Princess easily when I was 2 levels below her.

    I am not saying I am that experience a player, but even to me there's no challenge at all. No more picking your way carefully through enemies one at a time to get to the boss. Maybe the raids are hard, but I dont do them I havent ever done one. The basic subject matter is just piss easy now.

    And another thing, for hunters since they dont have mana now you can use "heal pet" basically free. So even against like a elite 85 man, you just send in your pet, spam the "heal pet" button and pepper him with normal shots so he dont get mad and change his attack to you... its pretty easy cos hardly anyone does more damage than you can heal.

    Having some stupid "1 min as a rouge" ability is lame to me. I want to swagger around gunning men down with an enormous firearm, not slink around like a coward setting traps, etc. Or even worse sneak past the enemies without filling them with hot lead.


    I know the balance between being too difficult for new players to get into and too easy to challenge anyone can be challenging to set, but to be honest right now it seems just too easy. When I levelled my paladin to 85 I did it in about a month just by using dungeon finder over and over and it was no challenge at all. Hence I feel no connection to the character. While with my hunter, I at least remember all the hard missons Ive done with that character and feel "into" the story.
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm not sure if they've made the kills easier or if they've just made me stronger, but I can solo a lot of group quests I couldn't solo last time, even in BC content. Part of me wonders if I'm just that awesome, or if it's due to changes in the game. I mean, I HAVE been playing a warlock for a long time. If I don't know how to play my class now, I probably shouldn't be playing WoW :p
  8. My suggestion would be to not use dungeon finder at all and just level up questing and exploring. That had the enjoyable challenge at least for ME when I was leveling up my Pally to 80. I like just wandering around and seeing what I can stumble into. Of course I haven't played since just before ICC came out, so I know there are a lot of changes.
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm feeling the pull of this game again. It beckons me to return.

    Should I resist it?

    SW:TOR is fun, but the video performance is getting annoying. I'm not sure if it's something they need to fix or if I need a new system, or both. Either way, I'm thinking of taking a break from it.

    snowy, are you still playing WoW? If I recall, we seem to like many of the same elements in the game.
  10. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    How is the video performance affecting your gameplay, BG? Does it crash?
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It doesn't crash, but in some areas, the performance is pretty crippling. Sometimes it takes a few minutes just to load when logging in, much of the screen will remain black, but I can hear the audio. It also takes a few minutes to exit the program.

    Many of the interior areas have bad lag, and some of the worst areas the FPS drops to near zero and seems to lock up. No crashes though.

    It's too bad. It seemed to improve with a few patches, and many of the outdoor areas are fine, but overall, it's too frustrating to enjoy the game.

    I've already cancel my subscription, which runs out in 11 days. If I hear they do a substantial optimization of the client, I may fire it up again. I know I'm not the only one having problems.

    Worst case scenario: I won't be able to play the game enjoyably until I get a new system a few years down the road. :(
  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yep, I am still playing. I haven't even made it to the 80-85 content in Cata just because they redid all the lower-level quest lines and they are fun. The character I am working on now is 64.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Cool. The Cata content is pretty cool. I didn't read much about it before it launch, so I was delightfully surprised by the underwater maps. I haven't seen it all yet though, so there is still a ton of new stuff for me, especially since they redid all of low level stuff.

    I'm going to give it some thought. the only barrier at the moment is the gigs of downloading.
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It takes hardly any time at all to get it to playable. I installed on my husband's computer last weekend and it took 10 minutes to get it to playable. I'm on Shattered Hand, Horde-side, and I'm part of a large social guild on there, if you're interested. I can't recommend the Silverpine Forest questline enough. It's seriously epic.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I was wondering about that. Maybe I'll check in on it tonight.

    I'm actually really interested in a cool social guild. I've always been into casual play. I like questing, adventuring, and crafting, and the occasional dungeon. I'll check it out.
  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    The game is so much more graphic intensive than it was just 1 year ago. Skogafoss is doing final Cataclysm, and she's getting <10FPS on a GTX480 maxed out graphic settings. Baraka_Guru, you're going to want to play with your video settings.

    I haven't really played but I sub'd for a year so that I can get Diablo3 for free.
  17. Wyvers

    Wyvers New Member

    Used to play on Maelstrom, the social aspect of the game was the only reason I stuck around and sadly why I stopped. I still keep in touch with a few of the people I met while playing and still upload/browse the videos we made way back then. The game has changed so much since the first expansion but a few friends are still swaying to go back. I would've never thought so many of you played.
  18. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I'm fizzling out on WoW. LFR really gave the finger to raiding guilds. Not much reason to schedule raids, when anyone can see Deathwing's demise on their own schedule.

    I'm using a 2 yr old ATI 5870 at full resolution and all settings maxed. Both WoW and SW:TOR run well.
  19. evaderum

    evaderum Getting Tilted

    I used to play regularly, but I've been inactive pretty much all of cata. I did play for a week last month when Blizz gave me a free week as a promo thing. Today I did get a scroll of resurrection, which has even more benefits than before. I'll probably use it, but it's so late in cata, I'm not gonna bother resubscribing until the MoP expansion is released, if at all.

    The Scroll of Resurrection now gives:
    A character boost to level 80 (including gear based on spec)
    Free upgrade to Cataclysm
    7 Free days of game time
    A free transfer to your friends realm
    A free faction change to your friends faction

    As far as video performance, I have the same comp with a single core cpu, 1gb ram, and an nVidia GeForce 9500 GT. My FPS was on the low end in Wrath, but still playable. Seemed fine in the very few raids I did in the first month of Cata's release. Been inactive for the last 11 months though, so I don't know how my performance would be now.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2012
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It wasn't that long ago when I last played. I seem to recall toning the graphics down a bit from max when Cataclysm launched. They still looked good. I also recently upgraded to the Radeon HD 6850 (pretty cheaply too), which helped a lot. I have it loaded in with a Q6600 2.4 GHz quad core and 2 GB of RAM.

    I think WoW will still run much better than SW:TOR.