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Wildlife around your house

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by curiousbear, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    I've seen a few birds up here, but the most wildlife I see up here are kids and crazy drivers. I kind of miss the skunks, opossum, ducks, coyotes, doves, and deer that used to cross our property. I can see them when I visit my folks, though.
  2. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Taken by my neighbor a couple of days ago:

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  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    We have a super cute resident frog in our backyard.
    We have also seen lots of skinks and little snakes out there.
    Oh, and soooo many morning doves!
    We attract more types of birds to our feeders than I remember seeing at our old place, too. It helps that there are others in our neighborhood with bird feeders, too.
    We decimated the fire ant population, though. Thankful hubby took care of that one.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Lots of frogs where we are now, plus two mallards and their lady. I don't know what the story is there, but I'd like to believe there are polyamorous ducks.
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    While I never thought of them as wildlife (I do see the connection when I think about it), we have (had?) a lot of skanks around our 'hood.'
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  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Most of it is gone away now that they have started construction of new condos nearby me. :(
    The noise at 7am isn't fun either, with them playing in the dirt.
  7. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Today while gardening I encountered a warty brown toad and a tiny coiled snake. I resisted the temptation to capture the toad and dub him Mr. Toad.
  8. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Picking blackberries in my friends' backyard. Babies were inside their grill. Crazy.


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  9. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Very neat!
    We found a bird's nest clogging up our dryer vent on the exterior of our home. We learned this when our dryer stopped working. The guys from the home warranty company told us about the nest when they replaced the thermocouple that blew, told us not to attempt to use the dryer again until we dealt with the nest. I found it odd that they did not simply remove it. But then I saw the size of the nest. It went a couple of feet back.
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  10. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    Found this jelly down at the beach only a few kms from home...
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  11. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    So that's who keeps making all that racket in the roof!

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  12. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I was thinking about this thread as I sat on the porch today. Bird life seems to be a lot more active here at the new house (or maybe I'm just more aware of it since I'm outside more.) I've seen robins, cardinals, wrens, blue jays, woodpeckers, and a few birds I haven't identified yet hanging out at the bird feeder & suet cake. There are also two squirrels who frolic about and do squirrelly things. I suspect there's a bunny or two in the back yard, but no confirmed sightings on that yet, just overly excited pups securing the perimeter :rolleyes:

    As I was having my coffee this morning, I decided I'm going to get some peanuts for the jays. Also considering a bluebird house and another feeder specifically for finches.
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  13. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Seems we have a bald eagle in the neighborhood. Not sure if he's staying or just passing through.
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  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I've been watching a mourning dove sit on a nest in our peach tree for about two weeks. Yesterday I thought that I saw some movement in the nest, but I'm not certain and I'm not going to move in for a closer look for fear of disturbing her.

    Note--Mourning doves build flimsy nests in really bad places. The last one I spotted was just a few bits of sticks barely sitting on a Y in the tree branch. It was totally exposed, high winds blew it out of the tree. Another time they made a nest in the rain gutter; something killed the baby birds before we had enough rain to drown them.
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  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    The mourning doves returned to the nest ^ a few of weeks ago, and there now two baby birds. The other day I saw papa bring momma something to eat, and she fed the babies. I mentioned this to my wife, she could've lived without hearing about the regurgitating part.

    The nest low enough in the tree for me to get photos, but I'd need to get fairly close. I really don't want to frighten them.

    Nature can cruel, and that is part of keeping things in balance. It includes dogs killing helpless creatures. I just hope that my dogs don't find one or both of the young birds on the ground.
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  16. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    There is currently a chubby little groundhog living just beyond our backyard. He comes up to visit frequently. Luckily, I don't think the pops have spotted him yet.
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  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The birds seem to quite loud and lively this year
  18. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    There was a storm today. Lots of water. Now there are a bunch of birds in our backyard around our feeder. I counted 4 species.
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I have a pair of Oregon juncos calling my backyard home at the moment. The cats find it incredibly amusing.
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  20. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Since the feeder is so high-maintenance (cleaned every other day) I consider myself to be "keeping" two hummingbirds. We also have mourning doves, Gila woodpeckers, Great-tailed Grackles, Inca Doves, and Verdins. It is very chirpy here. We get visits from desert cottontail rabbits and have a steady supply of little gray lizards scurrying about too.
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