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Politics Who's Gonna Win?

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by issmmm, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    woah. comrade pig! hail sir!
    lovely to see you about these parts again.

    i would simply point out the magnitude of the google problem that the frothy mix of santorum and the batshit crazy nikki haley would have, one that, i believe, might sink the ticket, and mercifully so given that controlling for idiocy in a presidential candidate is obviously not job one for the republicans at this particular historical juncture.
  2. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    hola senor. i've found that i've been having trouble engaging in much of the discussion these days, but much lurking have i been doing. the mention of our local darlin nikki brought me out. i am constantly prevaricating between hoping some frothy mixture like that mentioned above would sally forth and get absolutely decimated and flushed...and being afraid that it will emerge and actually win. i think seeing what the machinery that put bush jr in place did to this country really has permanently scared the shit out of me. it's a weird position to be in, when one does not really support the current administration...but one also has to hope and be willing to work to make sure the republican alternative doesn't make it. add to that being in south carolina, where a plate of rat shit would win our electoral votes if it had a little pole with an R flag stuck to it, and it's quite frustrating. i just got some bullshit from joe wilson in the mail. it would be comical if he wasn't serious.

    so i could be wrong, but my current guess is that obama is going to be re-elected and this cycle will flush out mitt and newt permanently, but we may see santorum again in the next round. i'm guessing pawlenty and jindal and christie and crowd are all just waiting for the next cycle.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    Welcome, looking forward to reading stuff from a new person.

    Did you know Dick Cheney has a daughter, who just might be interested in politics.


    Obama may be re-elected, but I the R bench is pretty deep - regardless of what the "lame-stream media" tells us.
    --- merged: Mar 9, 2012 10:12 PM ---
    Repeat - some are, some are not...

    I see that as a Romney problem. The value of Haley goes beyond SC on a GOP ticket.

    You put more weight into polls than I.
    --- merged: Mar 9, 2012 10:16 PM ---
    Women waging war against women reproductive rights or is it women standing up for the rights of religious institutions and moral convictions? I suppose the side that best frames the debate will win those fickle middle of the road votes, truth be damned.
    --- merged: Mar 9, 2012 10:31 PM ---
    Read what I wrote. I do believe radio can impact voter turnout. Relatively speaking AM radio's impact on political view point is pretty close to zero, but I did not say zero - I said on a scale of 1-100, I would put at 10 or less. I also argue some put too much emphasis on radio's past and not on the explosion of new sources of information and communication. So it is you, who has taken my position and tried to reduce it to the ridiculous. I wonder why? Did you read my points? In my mind when Clear Channel came up, I knew the conversation was not serious. AM is dead. Clear Channel and AM could probably use a bailout. My advice, don't invest your hard earned money into Clear Channel or AM radio.

    Change occurs much faster now - 80 years ago is meaningless.

    Think about it. Rush is all over AM radio, but...

    He is not on TV.
    He does not dominate Twitter.
    He does not dominate Facebook.
    He does not dominate downloaded podcasts.
    He does not dominate satelight radio.
    His website is not dominate.
    He does not have best selling books.
    He does not do movies.
    He is not an elected official.
    He doesn't even sponsor NASCAR!

    Oh, and one of his big sponsors was Sleep Number Beds! Another was Legal Zoom. That is real earth shattering.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
  4. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    There's a simple way to avoid this whole contraception argument... those who do not think there can be medical purposes for the pill... can become gay. Plain and simple. I don't want to hear or see some frat boy who listens to Limbaugh believing that the Friday night party at the frat house where they get women drunk and treat them like whores while videotaping the sex without them wearing a condom, bitch about a woman wanting the pill. Takes 2 to make a baby and it is BOTH of their responsibilities to take care of unwanted pregnancies. The guy should have a condom the woman should get the pill/ring/shot/whatever.... or they shouldn't have sex. Plain and simple, if it's sex with respect, then the condom shouldn't be a problem.
  5. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Maybe the one third of the Republicans who believe that Obama is not a US citizen or believe that the Affordable Care Act mandates "death panels" to kill granny came to these conclusions based on their own research, being as open minded and curious to learn the truth as they are.

    Not on from what they heard on Rush on watched on Beck day after day...or read on blog after blog or twitter after twitter that repeated what others heard on Rush or watched on Beck.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  6. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    I wish her well.

    Maybe she wont be a quitter and a whiner like Palin when she faces tough public scrutiny. Or flame out as quickly as Nikki Haley. Or be responsible for losing winnable Senate seats in 2010 like the extreme Tea Party candidacies of Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I already tried explaining this to you, but maybe some numbers will help make it sink in.

    Would you mind telling me why a search for Rush Limbaugh turns up 22 million hits on Google? You make it sound like he wouldn't turn up much at all. You make it sound like he gets no Twitter mentions, no Facebook comments. Do you really think he lives in a vacuum on the radio?

    Welcome to the New Media. It doesn't work that way.

    Rush Limbaugh is on YouTube. What's an AM radio guy doing on YouTube?!
  8. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Rush Limaugh's influence is inversely related to the willingness of Republican leadership to unequivocally denounce him. Right now he's apparently more influential to the Republican base than all women put together.
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Rush who? Seriously, Mr. van Horn, why talk about the man when he is the epitome of insignificance? I mean, seriously? AM radio? Are you kidding me?

    Let me put it this way: If the President doesn't talk about someone, they're clearly not that important or influential. So can we move on now?
  10. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    what I am saying is something like Google searches has no meaning in terms of the formation of a person's political view.

    Mentions and comments are different from what he originates. I would argue that a person who Tweets and has a large following is more significant than those Tweeted about. In addition when a person is most likely to form their political views is when they are younger, hence a person like Lady Gaga can have a bigger impact on the formation of political views than Rush. But either way a person's socioeconomic demographic, family and personal circle of friends and contacts has the most and the most lasting influence.

    In summary, your position is incomprehensible to me. How would you complete the following sentence.

    If a person listened to Rush's show 7 to 8 hours (about half his scheduled show) hours per week that person will.....what???

    Become more conservative...begin to dislike women...have a sudden desire to pay less in taxes...gain weight???

    Now, how would you finish this sentence:

    If I listened to Rush's show 7 to 8 hours per week I will....what???

    Is there a difference? Why? do you assume others can be brainwashed but you can't be? Do you assume others are somehow gullible and you are not? MY view is simple - what people take into listening to Rush about the same as they take out.
    --- merged: Mar 12, 2012 at 3:58 PM ---
    Why take serious arguments to the absurd, this is becoming a habit for some here. If you don't understand my arguments and don't want to understand them, ignore them. Mocking them simply encourages mockery in response. Trust me, I am not above responding in kind. Is this what you want?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    You should probably stop it now, Ace. You're trying to disprove the obvious by suggesting it's something it's not and ignoring what it is. Just stop.

    Your conjectures are tiresome.

    Maybe move on and focus on the GOP candidates once again?
  12. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    My take on a response similar to the above, in any discussion, as a sign of defeat by the person who writes it. It shows you have no response. In situations when one does not have a response, it is best to remain silent. I don't stop at anything until I make the decision to stop on my own terms.
  13. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    You don't say
  14. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Obama is not gonna win AL and MS where 45 percent and 52 percent (of Republicans) respectively think he is a Muslim.

    I wonder where they got that idea?
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm not sure. I'm more interested in what we can do to help them understand that evolution is real.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    He was on TV until they found that he had no audience in the tv markets.

    He has written several books, all of which I believe were best sellers.

    His website is one of the more popular PAY sites (excluding porn) on the web.

    He has his own "app" which can be downloaded from his website.

    He produces and sends out his own "Newsletter"

    He's appeared on numerous shows as himself or character much like himself such as "The Simpsons", "The New WKRP..." , "Family Guy", "The Drew Carey Show" and so on.

    He didn't have an uncle put into a federal judgeship by Reagan or that uncle's son (his cousin) replacing Rush's uncle on that same federal judgeship.

    He wasn't an ESPN football commentator till his political views and racist comments got him fired.

    Nor did he try to buy an NFL team (the Rams)

    And then there is this,
    All of these facts are from his wiki page and memory.

    So, yes, Ace, he has his stubby fat fingers in just about every form of media there is.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    They understand evolution.

    They have evolved from the Republican Party of Eisenhower, Rockefeller, Ford and even Reagan to a party of religious fundamentalists and ideological extremists.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    In answer to all this because as one who listened to Limbaugh because there are only so many times one can unfortunately listen to CDs he has before the music, even Steve Martin standup, loses its appeal. I can qualify MY answer with MY personal experience.

    Listening to him, truly didn't change my politics, it didn't change my desire to lose or gain weight or even golf (though there were days when I wanted to golf hearing him talk about it). It just made me angry and hateful because I found it sad that he pretends to be an average paycheck to paycheck person and talks about how anyone can make it, while IF you look at his life, he came from a very wealthy political family, that I would venture to say not many of his listeners have. He has been given opportunities not many of his listeners have, he has a jet, lives in a gated community and got off on drug charges because he is a hypocrite and went crying to the ACLU for help. It makes me sad that people truly believe he can identify with them. Here's a man who signed a contract for $400 Million and he wants his average listener to believe that Limbaugh is like his listener living paycheck to paycheck and worried about bills and how much tax comes out. HE DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE LISTENER AND THE LISTENER'S STRUGGLES HE LAUGHS ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. LIMBAUGH HAS PROBABLY NEVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY IN HIS LIFE.

    I don't assume people can be brainwashed easily, BUT listening day after day after day to someone they believe can relate to them and how he will take a little facts and and stretch them into out and out lies is sad. Just like the whole Kony case and Obama, even his own Wiki points this out:


    Really Obama went into the Sudan/Uganda to kill Christians???? AFTER Limbaugh was made aware of what Kony truly was and what they did, he said he would research Kony and the LRA. Which he never did. And he has trained people to believe him over the "biased, leftist agenda pushing, mainstream media."So people listening to him for their news and not researching on their own will believe Obama truly went into the Sudan/Uganda to kill Christians.

    He overstepped his bounds by making fun of Micheal J. Fox, by calling Chelsea a dog on his tv show, by dividing the races with his racist drivel, by trying to use lies to destroy Clinton, Obama and any other Democrat he doesn't like.... and when he gets busted and called out on his BS..... it was someone else's fault, people just harp and harp and harp on the poor little innocent fuzzball. He's nothing more than the schoolyard bully, who will say ANYTHING about ANYONE and do whatever he damned well wants to, BUT when called on his own shit and rightfully attacked.... "Well, well... it's all politically driven and, and, and.... bwahhhhhhhhh I'll show you, I'll just go to dead air have Ad Council and a bunch of non profits advertise on my show.... I'll get the ACLU and pay $30,000 to get off on drug charges.

    The man has NO responsibility, takes no responsibility for his actions and yet dictates people take responsibility for their actions.

    And the sad part is, there are many out there Levin, Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Faux News that have ridden his coattails and emulated him and take what he says even further because they ALL want to make a name for themselves and not just be considered a "clone".

    He's NOT in anyway Howard Stern, who truly grew up poor and made it with no connections, no family help pulling strings, etc.

    Limbaugh is a pathetic little shrew hypocrite of a man and the truth is coming out now. Will this destroy him? I think his ONLY hope is to go back into rehab (where upon he'll claim his relapse was due to all this stress of people picking on him) and do a few non heartfelt mea culpas and unlike him, America has proven they are a forgiving people and like to forgive they MAY give him another chance, but he's in the process of losing even his die hard fans, because they see him for what he is.

    Go back to his excuse as to why he couldn't buy the NFL team, it wasn't his fault, NO.... the other owners didn't want someone as controversial as him to own a team. Again NOT his fault, someone else's.

    (sorry for the font change midway, when I copy something and paste it here I have to change font and color for it to show)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
  19. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    Had to go out for a bit and listened to lard ass.... Sad, very sad he's justifying what he said by how the approval ratings are going down for Obama. That tells me he doesn't think he was wrong in calling an innocent woman who wanted her voice heard a slut, a prostitute and wanting videos wrong in any way.

    Are we as a society truly prepared to stoop that low, that demeaning to others who do not agree with us? It's rather sad when you think about it. If he gets away with this blaming and justifying the name calling then we truly have become a sick society.


    Maher was wrong you didn't apologize and people should just let it go.... apologizing takes humility and an acknowledgement that you were truly wrong... which you show NONE of. BUT you'll walk away unscathed and maybe a few listeners less, no real damage, because you don't have to worry about what people may call your kids since you don't have kids. YOU are NOTHING but a schoolyard bully and I truly hope some day you really go too far and someone stands up to you and doesn't back down. You lily livered, scum feeding, hypocrite, fake of a schoolyard bully.
  20. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    It's all about the ratings, ratings equal the benjamins,,, who cares who's life you hurt in the process... right Fat ass Limbaugh?