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Politics Who's Gonna Win?

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by issmmm, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    That's some fine red-baiting work right there. But I wouldn't expect anything less from The Blaze, which is pretty much like a backwater idiotic cousin of Fox News.
  2. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    if you want to manage consent, control the frame of reference. what lets you do that is repetition.

    i watched some perfectly rational people become dittoheads for a while. limbaugh did a long long program, something like 4 hours long. a lot of it was reading stuff from newspapers and provided the reactionary fuckwit interpretative line on the infotainment he read. people came to believe that limbaugh was presenting them with a range of infotainment and they came to find something reassuring in the simplicity of the reactionary fuckwit line that he never failed to provide. he also liked to conflate reactionary fuckwit and "american" and, famously, had screeners working on the call-in segments that never allowed dissenting views to penetrate. what was strange is the extent to which this obviously problematic and gratingly stupid show became for these folk a kind of sonic wallpaper that they would leave on weekdays while doing other things. and sure enough, they started adopting the reactionary fuckwit line on issue after issue. but in the usages i saw, the listening was generally distracted. repetition works. and they tended to close themselves off from other infotainment sources. repetition works.

    but everyone who has looked into propaganda or into media or other historical studies of top-down mass media knows that repetition works. look at the rwanda genocide---it never woulda happened without am talk shows not that different from limbaugh. look at the american slide into neo-fascism after 11 sept 2011. for example. or look at the role of radio in the bosnia massacres. repetition works. identity politics-based repetition works. and it's dangerous.

    and if the fairness doctrine hadn't been jettisoned, limbaugh would never have been on the air. nor would fox, for that matter.

    repetition works. were it not for conservative media, the right would have collapsed under the weight of its own incompetence and stupidity by now. it's largely conservative media that enables the faithful to live in the subjunctive, just outside of the present in that conservative happy place of selective information to supplement a selective fantasy world.

    of course, the problem is lining up empirically the nature of conservative meme-space with the subjective worlds people who are able to get by its absolute stupidity make of it. but because there's an analytic problem there (subjective worlds move around continually, for example) it does not follow, as ace would like us to believe, that therefore there's no impact. that's just dishonest.
  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    You know, I don't really understand the logical basis for contraception to be covered by the employer-paid insurance coverage of its employees.

    The one and only contraceptive I can agree with is condoms, due to the prevention/reduction in the spread of STDs (unless there's more contraceptives for this same purpose). And when it comes to that, I'd think adopting a federal policy of making condoms tax-deductible purchases to be the best way.

    Pregnancy-related contraceptives shouldn't have to be covered by insurance policies as a legal requirement. In this aspect, I would agree with Limbaugh that those advocates would in effect force the taxpayer/business owner to pay for their non-right to have sex. If they want to have sex and not get pregnant as a result, the people having sex should foot the bill... not somebody else. If they can't afford pregnancy-related contraceptives, tough luck.

    For example, I paid for my fiancée to receive an Implanon injection, which reduces her chance of becoming pregnant by 99.9% for a period of 3 years. Paid A$300 for it out of my pocket, and don't see anything wrong with the picture.

    I also don't understand where the logic even originated from. It's not like the US is suffering from overpopulation.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  4. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    No. Casually listening to radio has virtually no influence on political views relative to other factors.

    Virtually, yes. One a scale of 1 to 100, I would rate radio, in terms of forming one's political views, 10 or less. I stated I think radio does have an impact on voter turnout - in case you missed that.

    1933 is not 2012.

    Is AM radio propaganda? You confuse me on this point. Is Rush expressing his political view, or is what he does propaganda? What is the difference to you? I think Rush expresses his political view, he has a right to, and he does it no different than any other public figure with an audience. Lady GAGA has 20 million Twitter followers, she has political and social views, is what she does propaganda?

    Define propaganda. Using the most general definition all mass media is propaganda.

    So. Having a big audience does not mean anything other than having a big audience. What is the significance of him having a big audience? Does he influence political thinking or public policy? That is the focus of my posts.

    This is getting boring for me. Here is a link to Clear Channels earning in the past 10 years. Add it up - the company has lost over $3 billion dollars over the past 10 years.


    If there is a need for Rush to be a boogie man, who am I to say otherwise? It is clear, we will never see this point the same way.
    --- merged: Mar 8, 2012 at 1:35 PM ---
    Clear Channel had a strategy, but the strategy is failing. Ten years ago, who would have thought that there would be so much change in the communications industry. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Satelite Radio, Pandora, Podcasts, internet TV, DVR, HULU, Etc., Etc., Et.c.

    I am sorry, but do you folks know what is going on. We are in a information age explosion! And we are talking about AM radio!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2012
  5. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    the demographic that used limbaugh as sonic wallpaper in the 90s is not the same as might still listen to him. nor is either the political or media environments the same. once upon a time, limbaugh was a quite important element in the conservative media system, a big component of what made it possible. now he's outlived his usefulness, i think. the explanation for the collapse of the hold that the conservative media apparatus had at one point is complicated to explain--i prefer to think that the biggest cause was conservatism in power and the debacle that it turned out to be---but there's more to it than that. part of it is a very basic shift in how people get information---but that's still playing out politically. you're seeing an indication in the occupy movement, for example. but i digress.
  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    In this sentence, I think casually and virtually are what one would call "weasel words." Your refusal to accept common facts has you resorting to this?

    Virtually, you say? Ten out of 100, you say? What are you basing this on? Your personal observations? Do you try to listen in on what other drivers are listening to when you're stuck in traffic? I know what you're not doing, which is understanding the overall impact we're talking about here. Why don't you take into consideration what I've said? Why do you parse these arguments down to your own biased views? That's dishonest and rather annoying.

    The radio has, technologically speaking, not fundamentally changed much since 1933. Sure, sound quality, reach, and multitude have improved, but the technology is fundamentally the same. Human behaviour has, psychologically speaking, not fundamentally changed much since 1933. Sure, research techniques, reporting, and influences have changed, but the psychology is fundamentally the same.

    Do you know what propaganda means? Do you believe that Rush is unbiased and genuine in promoting his political point of view?

    Why bring up Lady Gaga? We're talking about Rush Limbaugh.

    Not really, and there are varying degrees. I think also that commercial entities have restrictions in terms of content: For example, false advertising is a no no in the U.S., isn't it?

    You seem to deny that Rush Limbaugh has influence. This is what I don't understand.

    C'mon, Ace. You might want to look at the right numbers. Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings is billboards and such. Rush is on the radio.

    Try this:

    They signed their deal with Limbaugh in 2008. Between 2009 and 2011, they reduced their $4 billion net loss to a $300 million net loss. They had to recover from a drop in sales, which might be related to their shedding over $3 billion in assets between 2008 and 2009. Now they look poised to return to profitability thanks to a return to higher sales despite an ongoing reduction in assets. Do they have Rush to thank for this? Maybe not on a make-or-break scale, but he obviously has an impact being that he has a weekly audience of 15 million, one of the biggest audiences out there.

    Boogie man? Now you're really off the mark! If we don't see this point the same way, it's because, again, I tend to look at reality, while you tend to reduce and conflate until whatever is in front of you fits into your view.

    You have a point here. But what you fail to acknowledge is that none of this stuff operates in a vacuum. I don't listen to the radio, yet a know a shit tonne about what Rush is about and what his opinions and views are. Funny, isn't it? I wonder how that happened. Any ideas?

    I have one: People who listen to the radio also engage in other media. Some are influential, some are not. But in the end, Rush gets onto the Internet in a much larger capacity than others could even dream of. Not bad for an "old-fashioned, way-of-the-dodo AM radio guy."
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  7. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    I'll be honest there was a time when Limbaugh appealed to me, I thought he had decent takes on certain issues, but he would take one little thing and warp it so badly and unbelievably that It really turned me off of conservativism in any way shape or form. So YES, in a way he and Glenn Beck's takeover of the Tea Party that I once was thoroughly happy to be a part of very much affected my political views. I felt if someone was going to mock Micheal J Fox because of a disease and trash women and not be able to have sensible social dialogue in any way that that was how the GOP were period. After all, is he not the unofficial official talking head of the far right that want to believe they are not that far right? And is Beck just crazy?
  8. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    AM radio aside. Romney may end up being the Republican Party nominee without winning any Southern State - and be the nominee in an environment where some believe there is a Republican war against females. I see the stock of Republican, female Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, rising every day as a VP pick for the ticket.

    I wonder if the left-wing media is going to go on an all-out propaganda blitz the way it did against Palin? I wonder if it will work twice? As opposed to a single guy on AM radio, a concerted effort by the "lame-stream media" can actually make a difference - especially if they get a good comedian to make the portrayal on SNL, and repeat the comedy until middle of the road voters actually believe the comedy is real and what was real was not. Those middle of the road voters, go figure! Perhaps that is my problem - I don't understand how those "middle of the road" folks think and what influences them, obviously Rush doesn't either - but Rush wasn't even able to prevent McCain from getting the nomination.
  9. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    the republican field is pathetic. seriously. i cannot imagine even republicans not finding this sad bunch to be dispiriting. personally, i think it's funny. a clear indication of the depth of deterioration of a party that stood for ideas that were never worth standing for. if the right had any integrity, they'd not field candidates at all. take a break and try to figure out how to be coherent. it'd be better for everyone, not least the right.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Maybe it's time to return to the centre.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    Yes, I am voting for Buddy Roemer. Democrats should be partying like its 1949! viva AM radio:

  12. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    i honestly think it's right wing radio's job to lose election for the gop. two presidential elections in a row they STILL haven't picked a candidate. they prop one candidate up then knock him down then the next, and so on. they never endorse a single guy and we are left with mediocre middle men like romney and mccain to lose the general.

    the problem is we knew who everyone one of these candidates were BEFORE the election even started. they all had lengthy track records (except maybe herman cain). we knew who the liars where, what their policies were, who the flip floppers are, and yet right wing pundits still can't endorse a candidate? it's too hard to believe that for 2 presidential elections in a row these things continue to happen. they have to be working for the other team. everyone knows a limbaugh endorsement would mean hannity follows, beck follow and so on and so forth down the pecking order. they could of picked the candidate from day one, why dont they ever do it?
  13. Pixel

    Pixel Getting Tilted

    As Mark Twain said, "The last person who should be President is the one who wants it the most. The one who should be picked is the one who should be dragged kicking and screaming into the White House."
  14. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Ah...so despite the record number of Republican legislatures enacting laws to restrict women's rights last year (and continuing this year) and despite the language in the Republican Party platform that you claimed didnt exist, you're still unwilling to accept the fact that Republicans stand for restricting women's reproductive rights.

    Nikki Haley, who backed Mitt Romney, who got blown out of the water by Gingrich in SC?

    Nikki Haley, whose poll numbers are tanking in SC:
    Must be the "lame stream" media's fault, eh?
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Haley also seems to toe the Republican line on reproductive rights, so I can see how she'd be a good fit.
  16. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Ace, I always felt that you were simplistic in your views but at least there was some sort of (conservative) logic to it. I didn't agree with most of what you said, but could see where you were coming from. With your belief that radio (and by extension the media) has no influence on people, you have proven yourself to be either a complete simpleton, or a stooge/troll.

    To not recognize how the media has shaped, and some would argue deformed, the debate over the past 80+ years is irresponsible.
  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Will Romney get "pummeled" again in the South?

    (emphasis mine)
  19. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    It amazes me how people will defend Limbaugh's faux caring lard ass and say "well look what the liberals say about... (insert insane whacked out right winged woman's name here)....

    You have Sarah "I can see Russia from my house window" Palin who disrespected Obama by showing her racism trying to defend the Koch Brothers commodity. Hannity had to cut her off.

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRU1pjqQpP0&feature=related

    Here she can't remember her own party line on healthcare:

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYQdFZz3lUc&feature=related

    And let's go to Ann Coulter who is totally nuts:

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYDGMt68K6o

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfOb08qwkwY&feature=related

    Or is she fucking stoned in this one where Hannity has to cut her off because all she can do is laugh:

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppW9g-FIwLg&feature=related

    The point is these 2 complete media whores PUT themselves out there with their insanity and we are to allow them to trash anyone they want because they are women? Ms. Fluke just wanted her voice heard and the GOP made damned sure she wouldn't be heard in a full Congressional hearing, Limbaugh calls her names (NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT HER),
    States he apologizes, then plays victim, as he did with his drug bust (oh which by the way don't be surprised if when all is said and done he goes back to a private $10,000 rehab blaming this for a relapse). How soon until he gets his hated foe the ACLU involved again like he did for his "politically motivated" drug bust.

    He laughs as he loses sponsors, he has dead air for no reason... yeah, and this is the guy who calls people he doesn't agree with cry babies and spoiled. Guy has some serious serious issues.
  20. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    ***Special Breaking Commentary from pig. Actual South Carolinian reporting in*****

    I recall when people started talking about Michelle Bachman, and a certain filthy Van Horn character said that people in Minnesota hated her, and everyone knew she was crazier than all shit get out and she would never fly nationally. "Conservatives" not from Minn didn't believe this, and thought she might make a great VP and or ACTUAL FUCKING presidential candidate. Turns out she was crazier than shit, and was basically laughed off the national stage.

    Nikki Haley is just about as toxic. People in South Carolina hate her, and I'm counting a lot (dare I say most) of my conservative friends, and people I hear calling into local conservative news media. Her most recent decision to ask our local DHEC to "take another look" at their decision not to support Georgia's attempt to deepen the port of Savannah, and thus implicitly asked them to allow Georgia to do so, has her in super hot water down here. She has muchos di skeletons in her closet, and would absolutely get shredded on a national scene. She barely beat Vincent Sheheen for the governor's office, and that's strictly because she had the R next to her name. Sheheen is a republican anywhere outside the Bible Belt.

    So please, I beg you. Nominate her for VP. I get all hot and bothered thinking about Rick Santorum as the presidential nominee of the republican party, although I know it will never happen. God those debates would be classic. But Nikki Haley debating Biden about national issues? Fucking Awesomenacity to be had there.

    ******Special Commentary Over - please feel free to return to inane "discussion" about whether or not background radio/audio messaging affects human behavior, despite it being well-documented that it does, and the fact that advertisers spend millions of dollars to get access to this "non effective" messaging media*******
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