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Politics Who's Gonna Win?

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by issmmm, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    It depends on the license. Why, the pretense? You know all these processes are not the same. For example, I live in a state where my commercial barber has to have a license. A 5 year-old child could cut my hair, 80% of the time I do it myself. When I was in college we had a guy on our dorm floor that cut hair, and did a fine job, without a license. A Real-estate agent needs a license to sell real-estate, but I can sell my own property without a license - so what is it, is it so complicated that a professional licensee is required or not? To teach in my state a teacher has to be "certified", as if this certification is needed to actually teach??? Much of this stuff is a joke or simply being done for purposes other than what is best for the public.

    Believe what you will. I think I have made my point as clear as I can make it.
  2. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    My ex-husband is an electrician. Two years at a community college studying advanced electrical theory and practical application, 2 years spent as a journeyman before needing to pass a hellacious bar exam to attain his master electrician's license.

    I guarantee you that industrial and commercial wiring is not like replacing an outlet cover or even wiring up a ceiling fan in your bedroom.

    So yes, it does depend on the license. The example you used was an electrician's license which you went on to compare to that of a barber or real estate agent. Sorry, no comparison.

    And to be honest, I don't want a barber or hairdresser messing with my hair unless I can see the proof displayed that a responsible agency has checked to make sure they at least went through some training to do so. I certainly don't want someone teaching my children without a certification proclaiming that they have the required education.

    As regulations go, I like the requirement for licensing and/or certification for professions that deal with the public. Without it, there's nothing to say they are in any way capable of doing what they might say they can do.
  3. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    sam.....you might get your first win tomorrow in Maine!

    The non-binding caucuses which are more like straw polls are expected to attract only a few thousand voters statewide and you know the Paul crowd will be there in force. Like the other recent non-binding caucuses in CO and MN, when the Republican party in these states meet later this spring to actually select delegates to the Republican convention, I wouldnt expect the other candidates just to roll over.

    But a win is a win!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Ron Paul will never win enough delegates to grab the nomination. I don't know anyone who even considers that a possibility. It may be a shot in the arm for his supporters to see him grabbing delegates from these caucus "events" but the truth is, even though Ron Paul may know how to play his game, he doesn't know how to play the game.

    He's way too honest in his appeal to the majority of Republican voters who prefer to be wooed by deception and negative campaign ads. These voters actually support the Citizens United decision and SuperPac funding. They're not about to even consider a candidate who doesn't have the best corporate backing behind them.

    It's sad really. I don't agree with Ron Paul's plans for America but I admire his commitment to what he believes in and his refusal to play the game.
  5. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    thanks for the kind words, i knew you were a closest paul supporter...lol

    yes, they are calling it for romney, yet the paul campaign is confident they will control the maine delegation in august.

    maddow recently had an interesting piece with a ron paul advisor about the delegate process.

  6. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    I thought this was an insightful analysis of today's Republican party...by Thomas Friedman
    And this is why the Republican candidate will be hard pressed to attract the growing number of Independent voters.

    Radical right wing extremism and an unwillingness to compromise for the greater good (even if it means Obama might get some credit) do not attract independents.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    If you give me an hour or two, I could probably figure out how to fly a 747. Those things practically fly themselves, amiright?

    Oh, Ace, of haircuts and electrical work and open-heart surgery! The liberals have things all wrong!

    Yes, and now I think it's time to move on.
  8. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    What we need is a third and fourth party. The problem then is with the winner takes all system. That is the biggest flaw in this country that so many different types of people aren't represented anymore. I am switching to the Green party, even though I know that they have no shot at winning, but if they had 5%(?) of the seats in the house because people would be free to vote their true beliefs and for a platform and not a person, it would work out better...
  9. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I predict the upcoming general election will sound an end to the extreme right wing (Tea Party) rule. What has transpired in Congress these past few years trumps anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. I have little doubt the election results are going to reveal a back lash against any and all Republican legislators who either came to Washington with the sole purpose of annihilating Obama's presidency or backed the effort. Along with Independents, I can see a good number of average Republicans casting votes in protest of their own party's efforts to sideline the jobs issue.
  10. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    In the March 2012 issue of Popular Mechanics they did a report on the increasing volume and frequency of commercial bus fatalities. One item that stood out to me was on page 105 - they noted that someone could be rejected from a job trucking hazardous materials because of something in a background check and can go out and get a passenger-bus license with no problem. If I say to you that the licensing process for commercial passenger bus drivers is a joke, your response is???I am cherry picking???I am saying liberals have it all wrong???I am out of touch with reality??? The core problem with meaningless licensing is that people put a false level of trust in those that have these licenses. And sometimes people die, under the assumption that some government authority was looking out for them!

    In May 2011 we had a Charlotte based passenger bus company involved in a fatal accident killing 4 people.


    I see many disturbing patterns.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Background check? Do you know what a background check is for?

    Hmm... so the problem is with fatigue, not licensing. It's not that they don't know how to drive the bus.

    Oh, and driving buses isn't even a form of electrical work.

    Another fail for you, Ace.

    Moving along....
  12. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    it is a more rigorous process to get a license to transport hazardous waste than to transport people.
    there is not an increasing trend in fatalities involving hazardous waste transport.

    I am sorry you are not willing to do more than just give superficial responses to a serious issue.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I edited my post. The only difference you seem to want to point out is the background check. What does that have to do with having the skills and know-how to drive a certain vehicle?

    You're not painting the full picture. Why is that?
  14. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Now that made me laugh!
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I know. I love irony too; it's so delicious!
  16. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    I don't know what you want. It is clear that there are problems. Problems not only with a weak licensing process that make the process meaningless, but with enforcement. If a license is to have validity there has to be real consequences for repeated offenses, when there is not it further emphasizes the meaninglessness of the license. I stated not all licensing processes are the same, there are in fact not. There is no consistency or perspective of when a license is required and when it is not. People falsely put faith into licenses and they are at risk when they do, this is a fact.

    I wonder, do you even check the license of professionals you use that require one? When was the last time you checked the license of your dentist, go on the website and validated the license is current, type, jurisdiction, complaints, etc. Or, are you the 1% who actually does?

    It is clear, when I wrote about the cables we ran, the real issue was that we were not UNION, it was in the state of Illinois. Back in those days, I don't know if still true, try doing some commercial contractor type work without UNION people and see what happens. Zero to do with the work quality.
    --- merged: Feb 13, 2012 9:19 PM ---
    Does your work require a license? Why or why not?
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Ace, I've forgotten why we're talking about licenses. Can we get some perspective here?

    Is this a Republican debate topic? What are the positions of the candidates? What is your response to their positions?

    I really don't know what your point is other than you think that commercial electrical work doesn't require licensing. What's the wider point? Is this why the economy is taking so long to recover? Not enough licensed electricians or something? Is this something Obama has done, or does it date back to Bush or further? Reagan?
  18. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    Some actually care, some don't. The liberal top down approach hurts the poor and most vulnerable, those who are most at risk.

  19. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    An unlicensed haircut
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I don't understand. Requiring bus licenses is a liberal thing that hurts the poor and the vulnerable? Is that what you're saying? Why are we talking about bus licenses in a thread about the Republican primaries? Can you tie it all together for me? Help me understand your point.