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What video games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Ice|Burn, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Wow, I just looked and the description for CS:GO is really unclear as to whether it's a standalone or an expansion on CS:S. To clarify, CS:GO is a game unto itself. You don't need any prior versions to play. You could buy the complete pack but I'm honestly not sure how much value there would be in doing so -- like I said, it's a largely iterative experience. If you've played GO you've pretty much seen what the original and Source have to offer. I would suspect that most of the community has migrated to the new one by now.

    As for Bioshock Infinite, it's worth noting that a game has never to date been cheaper in a flash sale than it is as a daily deal. Previous daily deals have come up as flash sales before (and vice versa) but it's always been the same discount. Still, it's possible. I hestitate to state definitively that this or that thing won't happen during a Steam sale, because in the past whenever I've said something like that Valve has almost immediately proven me wrong. I'm still debating with myself on it; I've got two days to decide whether I want to grab it now or wait until the next sale. On the one hand, I still have so many games that I haven't even touched yet. On the other, it looks awesome and I want it. We'll see which way I go.

    If you're looking to buy Endless Space, be sure to grab the Gold pack. It includes the brand spanking new DLC for all of about $1.70 extra. The DLC on it's own is $10 (currently 10% off) and appears to completely revamp the fleet combat system, which quite frankly was one area where the original was very bland. I'm strongly considering picking it up and giving galactic conquest another whirl.

    The games I'm looking out for are Bioshock Infinite, XCom, and probably The Walking Dead. I keep hearing how great that one is, and I've liked the Telltale games I've played before, so if it comes up there's a very good chance I'll buy it.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  2. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    Thanks for clarifying that for me, Martian. Can always count on you, man!
  3. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    As for actual games I've actually been playing, I've been mucking about with Organ Trail over the last couple of days. It's interesting. I can't decide whether it's an homage to Oregan Trail, or a parody. I think probably both.

    If you were a kid in grade school in the late 80's or early 90's in North America you're familiar with the concept. Zombies have taken over, DC is unhabitable. You need to make the trip cross-country in a station wagon to Oregon, where there is a safe haven available. Manage supply levels, disease, bandits and roving motorcycle gangs. Try not to get eaten by a zombie bear.

    A play through is about three hours, and when you get bored of the normal way of doing things, there's also an endless mode that challenges you to just survive as long and travel as far as you can. It's reasonably fun, and about as much as you can expect for $5.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    It's like someone from Valve was reading this. XCom: Flash sale, 75% off. The Walking Dead: Daily Deal, 75% off. They're going for $10 and $6.25, respectively. I played the XCom demo when it was released, and I'm pretty excited for the full game based on that. Turn based squad action that manages to streamline a lot of the annoying bits in the original (why can't I save loadouts?) without losing the spirit of it. The DLC is also on sale and will run you a total of $3 for both packs if you want it. I don't think it's essential, but it's there. I can't comment on the Walking Dead, except to say that everyone who's played it raves about how great it is. I've never heard anyone say it's a bad game, or even average. That's pretty rare.

    Other notables:

    Black Ops 2 is 50% off, making it $30 like Bioshock Infinite. Call of Duty isn't really my thing, but if you enjoy the series you might as well pick up the latest version of it. It's not likely to run any cheaper.

    FTL is $2.50, which is a 75% discount. This game is often described as a Rogue-like. I don't know if that's 100% accurate -- it shares qualities with that genre, but it also has some pretty strong distinctions. It's fun enough, but a limited pool of random events means it can get repetitive after a while. Can also be very frustrating if you don't go into it with the right attitude. You're going to lose, and lose often.

    Anno 2070 is 50% off. That's $15 for the base game, or $25 for the Complete Edition, which includes all of the DLC. It's an interesting idea, something like Simcity had a baby with Civilization. Does that sound enticing to you? It should.

    FEZ is 50% off, five bucks and it's yours. It's a charming little 2D/3D platformer, originally released for XBox Live and since ported to Windows. If you like puzzle platformers with quirky game mechanics, this one should be up your alley.

    Far Cry 3 is a flash sale currently, at 40% off for the next five hours. This is an action movie in video game form. It pretty much hits all the points on what a modern shooter is supposed to be, almost like the developers were working off a checklist. Open world: check. Experience/levelling system: check. 8000 goddamn side missions: check. Collectibles: check. I'd expect this one to come up as a daily deal at some point, so if you're unsure I'd say you're probably safe to take your time. Read some reviews, watch gameplay videos, see if it's something that interests you. But if you do that and I'm wrong and it doesn't go on sale again, don't come crying to me about it.
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  5. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    Today's Steam deals are really good...

    I bought Dishonored. I really hope this game lives up to its hype, but at $10.00, it could meet half my expectations and I'd still feel like I got a deal.

    Castle Crashers, Terraria, and Killing Floor are some pretty promising titles and all three can be picked up for just over $10.00 combined. I've played Castle Crashers and Terraria and can vouch for both of them as quality (though simple) games. I've never had much interest in Killing Floor myself, but I have many friends who rave about the game.

    Has anybody played Dust or Reus? I'm pretty interested in both games, but I haven't heard anything about either game until today.
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Been playing the new X-Com: Enemy Unknown for the last couple days. Fantastic reboot of the classic game.

    I grew up on the gritty X-Com: UFO Defense and the murky X-Com: Terror from the Deep.

    Couple of random nerdy nit pick thoughts:

    - Everything about the game has been nerfed (when compared to X:UFOD and X:TFTD) to be much more graphic-y and much less micro manage-y as far as windows and stats in both the strategic and tactical games. Geared for today's kids, I guess.

    - The X-Com single base nerfing means you have one central base and one Skyranger. At max, you're taking 6 squaddies into combat. This departs from the old game in a major way: you used to be able to have multiple troops on multiple drop aircraft at multiple bases and could respond with your local team, a special purpose team, etc.

    - The Base screens are annoying and the beautiful facility animations are tedious and unnecessary. The fact that I have to click all over the place to jet over to different screens is a little too CSI-y for me. They should have stuck with keeping all the tabs at the top or side, keeping a data window at the top and the animation/infographic at the bottom. I waste more time clicking and waiting for zoom-y animation than I do actually assigning research, building new gizmos, etc.

    - Interception aspect is way nerfed. One XCOM aircraft per interception, one weapon per aircraft, no choice of attack distance, bad guys don't speed off. It's a pointless mini-game.

    - They didn't include the classic Interceptor Screen rock 'n roll music. I was majorly disappointed by this. They include a lot of the classic images (weapon range cutscenes) and sounds (terror attack noises) and left that crucial tune out? Unacceptable.

    - Tactical animations and speech are well executed but woefully inaccurate from a military standpoint. The bolt-action rifle chambers itself, the squaddies say "Rack, tap, bang!" when doing a reload which is both incorrect (it's tap, rack, bang) and that is the meme for correcting a stoppage, not what you yell when reloading. Nobody shoots over cover when they can shoot around it.

    - The tactical game activity buttons (bottom center) should be fixed and grayed out instead of random. Annoying as fuck, especially considering how often I use Overwatch and how it randomly shifts from 1-6 depending on the current trooper.

    - The tactical cover system is simple and nifty but leaves a little to be desired. A soldier in the open basically stands there waiting to be shot in the face regardless of whether or not he has a movement left. One of the first things you learn as an infantryman is the utility of the prone position. The inability to go to the prone or move in different postures (standing, hunched, prone; seen in X-Com: Apocalypse) takes out your ability to realistically handle situations with no cover, set up your sniper in an awesome roof-top hide, etc. This was all likely done to simplify the game and speed up tactical combat.

    - The random mandatory class system (rookie -> assault, support, heavy, sniper; each with their own specialized equipment) takes a lot of the role-playing aspect out of the game. The joy of the original X-Com series (UFOD, TFTD, Apoc) was creating your own team with whatever items you wanted and using a naming system and in-the-field training to create your special teams. If you wanted a guy to be your heavy weapons dude, you overloaded him with gear and had him run back and forth in the Skyranger for a couple of missions. If you wanted a scout with a rifle and smoke grenades you could do that. If you wanted a sniper that carried a back-up rocket launcher, you could do that, too.

    - The other issue with the class system is how nerfed soldier stats are now. You've got a handful of vague stats now and basically the only thing that separates two soldiers of the same class is their rank, which is basically a canned way of furthering the mandatory class system's skill tree. Instead of creating your own classes based on stats like accuracy, throwing, strength, energy, etc. you now are stuck with what they give you. Lame.

    - Tactical loadouts are horribly game-y. The "backpack" only holds one item? It's 2015 in the game, for fuck's sake. Every Joe should be carrying grenades, a medical aid kit, etc. This has to be a lame attempt at balancing the game.

    - Tactical maps are very linear and thus create a lot of fatal funnels that you can exploit. This may limit replayability even if the puzzle piece zones are randomized. It may be a result of the smaller squad size.

    - No proximity grenade? Totally ruined my plans for mining one side of the map and attacking from another, guys.

    - What the hell is up with the exploding cars? Short of shooting a car with a rocket launcher, it shouldn't ever explode.


    Major thumbs up for:

    - The enemies: The bad guys are fantastic. Love the new Mutons and Sectopods. The Cyberdiscs are a real nightmare.

    - Perk system: Mandatory class aside, I really like the perk system and it definitely adds flavor to the game.

    - Run / dash measured movement system is simple and effective and really speeds up the game in a good way.

    - Modding potential is there. Preliminary research has show that there are tools for modding this game extensively.


    If you're on the fence about this game, you should buy it. If you played the original, you really need to give this a shot.

    /nerdy Plan9
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2013
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  7. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    I basically agree with all of this (excepting some of the more in-depth military stuff, which I'm not qualified to comment on). In short: it's XCom for dummies. There are a lot of ways that's a good thing. There are also a few ways that it isn't.

    I really don't like the classes. I mean, I do. But it's irritating that I have to cycle through six rookies because my heavy bought it three missions ago and I haven't been able to find another in the new-guy lottery. And keeping hotkeys consistent should be, like, interface design 101. Why is overwatch 2 for this guy, but 5 for the next guy?

    Exploding cars are an exploding pain in my ass. Are they all made out of magnesium or something? What's up with that? It's a real bitch when I've got my sniper perfectly situated and then the car he's using for cover bursts into flames because a sectoid looked at it funny. So then he has to hoof it out of there, and of course that means he loses a shot since he can't move and fire in the same turn. Ugh.

    I miss sending in ten soldiers and two HWPs, but I guess the reduced scale is part of the new way of doing things? I'm okay with only one base, and I get why I only have one Skyranger (makes for some big tactical decisions as you have to decide which events to respond to and which you can ignore), but it strains suspension of disbelief a little bit, especially in the later missions. Aliens have invaded DC? Cool, we'll send half a dozen guys, even though we've got like thirty fucking snipers just chilling in the barracks.

    I'm totally down with new XCom. But there's definitely a part of me that wishes they could've just fixed some of the glaring issues in old XCom (*cough* 80 item limit), prettied up the graphics a bit, and given us that. I would play the shit out of that. New XCom is great, but it definitely lost some of the incredibly frustrating charm of the original.
    --- merged: Jul 17, 2013 at 2:01 AM ---
    As for what's on sale now:

    Sleeping Dogs is totally worth six bucks. You could call it GTA: Hong Kong, but I think that does it a disservice. It's an open world game featuring gangs and crime syndicates, but it's gritty and violent and has a laser focus. This isn't a game where you beat people to death with giant dildos. It's a game where you give them a Glasgow grin with a meat cleaver.

    Mark of the Ninja is a 2D stealth platformer. I often feel like these games are better suited to consoles, and this one is no exception. It's an absolute blast, but if you've got a 360 controller to hook up to your PC you'll find the experience greatly improved for it. It's well designed, with clever level design and well thought out controls, so I feel pretty comfortable recommending it in any case. It'll cost you $3.75, which is a quarter regular price. An absolute steal.

    And System Shock 2 is two fiddy. If you liked any of the Bioshock games, you owe it to yourself to try this one. If you like survival horror, you owe it to yourself to try this one. If you like retro games you definitely need to try this one. It lacks the polish of a lot of modern games but that's largely because many of those modern games started right here, with this one as inspiration.

    Those are the games I'm familiar with. I don't know enough about Alan Wake or DMC or Crysis to be able to say yea or nay. You're on your own for those ones.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
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  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Military accuracy thing is a huge nerd nitpick but given how many hundreds of thousands of dudes out there are able to correct simple stuff like that it seems a little ridiculous. Hell, Google "tap, rack, bang." Many veterans would do it for free just to be a part of the process. I realize nobody else gives a shit but it just pisses me off that I'm going to play this game for hours and hours and have to listen to the same desk jockey mistakes. Be like every time somebody uses faux computer hacker lingo on TV.

    Yeah, I think everybody agrees that the game is simplified but pretty dang intuitive. It's telling that I'm able to keep an overwhelming number of my Joes alive as long as they make out of the first two missions or so. Terror missions (on the linear maps) are simply a case of Overwatch camping coupled with some Whack-a-Mole runs.

    Yeah, the hotkeys really piss me off. I cannot fathom how playtesters let that shit go. It was quite literally the first thing that pissed me off and inspired me to write this bit on here. The very buttons you use to make every single decision on the tactical screen are essentially randomized. Fuck that noise. I hope and pray somebody comes out with a mod to fix that.

    Yeah, they took the destructible environment thing to Micheal Bay levels of retardedness. Kablooey! My sniper rifle--a precision weapon that is designed to put a dime-sized hole in a bad guy's head--blows an entire 10-foot section out of the wall of a grocery store. Fragmentation hand grenades set shit on fire, etc.

    Yeah, the reduced scale always puts you at roughly a 2-1 ratio with the bad guys having your troops outnumbered in every battle. The bad guys go down pretty easy as a result of the balancing. Remember TFTD when one Lobsterman with a Sonic Cannon could take out a 4-man search team in a few turns? The new game's foes aren't really very clever and have two modes: not in combat or running right at you from the side. The whole flanking thing is so obvious that you can basically bait the clusters of enemies into attacking you and then realign yourself to bring the most guns down on their advance. A 1-to-1 ratio with balanced troopers/aliens would be much more interesting to me. I recall many original X-Com games where I went in with the 14/2 and came back with 6 and 0, like after a tough terror site mission, especially in TFTD where motherbitches would hide in corners and chuck grenades like bastards.

    Certainly. It's a great game, especially by itself. The biggest gripes with the original series were loadouts, 80 item limit and the graphics. Honestly, I couldn't care less about !Extreme! graphics in my games. What made the original game great a kick-ass interface, was how it allowed you to micromanage everything and the tactical maps were big, square and randomized. You could handle business fast, you could play the game your own way and when you got into the Skyranger, you were headed off to something that you'd maybe done once before last year when you played the game. It was actually squad-level combat (roughly a dozen dudes w/ an assault element and a support element) and was at the right kinda technical zoom, I think.

    Can you tell that I like the new game, yet?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  9. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Put another way: UFO Defense came out in 1993 and I still go back to it from time to time. What do you think the odds are that anyone will be playing XCom 2013 in 2033?
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  10. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Hah! The odds of me playing X-Com: UFO Defense in 2033 are significantly higher. Especially with all the mods and utilities that people are still making this day to that masterpiece.
  11. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    World of Tanks. Pretty much the ONLY thing i've been playing actually.
  12. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Age of Empiiiiiiiiiiiiiires. II. w00t!

    Has anyone played Evoland? It looks interesting, I might try that one out while it's only five bucks.

    Edit: Ah, I see Punk.of.Ages has played. Rad.
  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Love that game.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    Evoland is perhaps the best indie game I've played all year.

    The high levels of nostalgia are what really make the game so good. The story is surprisingly decent for what seemed to be a gimmick game. However, it's very short. I only got about five hours of play out of it.

    Totally worth $5.00 at any rate...

    I did buy Dust: An Elysian Tail (I probably should have posted about it prior to the daily sale ending) and I am very impressed...

    The visuals are stunning, the gameplay is action packed and mechanically intriguing, and the story makes it hard to pull away. The only thing I dislike a bit is the art style. It's really been made a total non-issue by all the good this game has, though.
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  15. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Currently waiting for Sim City 4 to finish installing. I bought Evoland, too, but I'm waiting until I get home and can give it my full attention.
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  16. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Evoland looks interesting but I think I'm going to skip it. I've already got enough new games to keep me going until fall at least. Given the frequency of Humble Bundles, GOG sales, etc, I think that's probably going to do.

    I started Bioshock Infinite last night, and before I knew it I was six hours in and it was three in the morning. I had to run away to the office today because I knew if I were home I'd want to play. Wow, that's a great game.
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Sim City 4 is another all-time favorite. I was just playing it on Sunday.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Civ V is on a major sale on Steam. I think it was $7-8.

    Probably trying to get people to buy it and get the new expansion for 3x that. I'm trying to hold off on the new expansion because I know I'll waste too much time on it as soon as I get it. :p
    • Like Like x 1
  19. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    It's the last day of Steam's summer sale. A lot of titles are on sale right now. Folks, if there's anything you're dying to pick up, now's the time to do it.
    --- merged: Jul 21, 2013 at 8:42 PM ---
    I finished Bioshock Infinite. It took me all of three days. And, uh, wow. I don't know what else to say. I don't fully understand what happened; I think I need to do it again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2013
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    My PC can't run any of the Steam sale games I want.

    It's probably for the better.