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What Can't You Do?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by martian, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    OMG, I bet watching you swim is HILARIOUS. You're really just not built for it.

    You might try lessons through a community college. I took swimming classes in college for fun to learn how to swim laps and do turns. It really improved my freestyle.
  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    My self-esteem! :( But seriously, I'm way scrawny and relatively athletic... I don't have a freakishly long torso but that ain't nuthin' but a thang.

    I reckon my problem is more software than hardware.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    The scrawniness doesn't help, believe me--no body fat makes it difficult to float. You're too dense.
  4. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I can't haggle. I'm not particularly adept at being a hardass to get a bargain out of something while on the phone with customer service, either. It's been suggested to me numerous times to get on the phone with Comcast and strongarm them into giving me a better rate on my cable service, and I have yet to even attempt to do so.

    I can cook, but I, um, choose not to. For now. This is temporary—it has to be.

    Can't do a cartwheel and never have been able to. I doubt that will ever change.

    Can't do a pull-up, but goddamnit someday I am going to. Hopefully soon.
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  5. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Oof, swimming. The pool and me, we're not friends. It's not because I don't want to. I'd love to power through the water and be at one with the dolphins and all that wacky hippie shit. I've tried to improve. Lord, how I've tried. But it just doesn't seem to want to come together for me.

    I've had no less than five people offer to teach me how to swim at various points in my life, and every last one gave up on me. We've managed to get me to a point where I can be in the water and manage to not drown, so long as it's relatively calm. I can even intentionally propel myself in a direction. But I'm not doing any laps of the pool, that's for sure.

    I bet it's hilarious to watch, but I don't actually remember the last time I was in water over my head. Maybe if I do visit the pool some day I'll ask someone to film it. That shit could probably make bank on Youtube.
    --- merged: Dec 21, 2013 5:45 AM ---

    I dig that optimism.

    You and me and Plan9 and Baraka_Guru and noodle. We should all get together and do a training montage. 80's rock guitar and everything. The ladies on the chinup bar, and Plan and me flailing in the pool in the background.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2013
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  6. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Fuck. Yes.
  7. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btPJPFnesV4
    --- merged: Dec 21, 2013 at 12:52 AM ---
    The worst thing about those damn gifts is that I tried. I really, really did. Just total earnestness, like if I just wanted it bad enough, they'd come out nice. And somehow they turned into, well, that.

    They're sitting under the tree now, just taunting me.

    Magpie does it, she doesn't even try. She wraps them all perfect and does like interwoven multi-coloured ribbons and shit. And then she undoes it and does it again because of some tiny imperfection that only she can see. I actually think she's just rubbing it in when she does that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2013
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  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I can't do math well at all.
    I get flustered trying to do it in my head, then start to get angry writing the problems down. I have to resort to a calculator.
    Forget about fractions. I also transpose some numbers. Usually 5 and 7.
    Math makes me angry, even though I sense the beauty of it.

    Bodily functions:
    I can't make farting noises with my armpits. Always wanted to. My friends all could. :(
    I can't do that eerie whistle some people do between their thumbs, but I can whistle really loud with just my lips, or two fingers.

    I have a hard time peeling perfect hard-boiled eggs for deviled eggs. They are almost always pitted.
    I can't seem to get a cake to bake without it having a pitcher's mound in the center.

    I have other stuff, but I can't work up enough wherewithal to write them down at this time.

    /maybe if I listen to @Martian 's video again
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Try baking at a lower temperature and then temping the cake to see if it's done--it should read 210. Or buy a cake leveler. ;)
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  10. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I can't eat slowly. Military brainwashing got me good, I eat like a goddamn vacuum cleaner.

    It really pisses me off when I realize that I basically swallowed a $50 meal in 90 seconds.

    I have to use Post-It notes to remind myself to eat slowly when I go to nice restaurants.
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  11. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I cannot dive nor water-ski. Vast amount of shame there as I took lessons and belly-flopped and attempted to get up on the skis and stay up and never did--in front of my extended family as a kid and again, in front of my boyfriend as a 20-year old. Now it's all, "I'll spot!" And I suck at kayaking--the first and only time I tried was in the Pacific Ocean--it was unpretty.
    I don't gift-wrap well but I like jamming on lots of ribbon and bows to cover up my mistakes. Truly, I'm not particularly coordinated with small or large muscles though I can swim like a fish. ;)
  12. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Much appreciated. I will give it a try.
  13. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I find it impossible to retain much of any information about grammar.

    I mean, okay, I know about nouns and verbs, adjectives and adverbs, past/present/future tense.

    But anything beyond that is beyond me. Subject? Object? Predicate? Preposition? Sorry.

    And don't try to teach me, because I will forget it immediately.

    Since I am ignorant of all the rules, I write by instinct, and usually my writing instinct is pretty good.
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  14. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    As someone who has loved swimming since early childhood and never could empathize with not feeling comfortable in water, you guys have my sympathies.

    So does my SO, until I make her learn how to do more than float belly-up like a dead fish.


    Things I never was able to do:

    - Snowboarding (Absolutely love skiing, though)
    - Skateboarding
    - Rollerblading
    - Somersault (in any direction, whether standing or elevated. I have tried. Many times...)
  15. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    Gad, where do I start? I break approximately 50% of the yolks when frying eggs. I can't catch items thrown to me (except frisbees - I can figure out the curve some how). I can't make whoopee more than once in a given session, and generally need up to 24 hours to recharge. I can't remember names. Or directions. Or musical notation (or music in general). I can't remember shopping lists. I can't fix motors, electrical appliances, engines, or plumbing. I can't reassemble machinery/tools such as door latches that have multiple oddly shaped bits of metal. I , I better stop now.
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  16. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I can't sing R&B. I have tried. It's terrible. Imagine a the Disney Sleeping Beauty trying to sing R&B. It's that messed-up.
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  17. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I also can't do a pullup. Never done one in my life, and the closest I came was just under half of my body weight on the assisted pull up machine at the gym .
    No plumbing job is done until your 3rd trip to the hardware store covered in whatever that black sludge that accumulates in pipes is.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I definitely cannot do a pullup. I've never been able to. I can't do monkey bars, either.
  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    New Year's resolution: pull-ups by 2015!
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  20. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I have no sense of direction, which means I can't navigate for shit. If I'm going somewhere new and don't have detailed directions in front of me, I'm going to get lost. Hell, sometimes I get lost even WITH detailed directions.

    I can't do artsy things with my hands. Sculpting, drawing, painting...every time I try, it looks like the effort of a four year old. Related: I also cannot properly shape a Christmas tree, but I've learned if you throw enough lights, garland, and ornaments on, people don't notice as much.
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