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water from a tap or water from a bottle?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Lish, Jan 12, 2014.


water from the tap? or Water from the bottle?

  1. Tap

  2. Bottle

  3. Own water supply

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
  2. boomer411

    boomer411 New Member

    This has been a hot topic for a few years now, at least here in the United States. People have been spending upwards of $2 or more per bottle of water, and when it was discovered that this bottled water was, in fact, coming from the tap itself. People make a big deal over water for some reason. I guess we should be grateful to live in a time and in countries where we have it good enough to turn our noses up at water. There are people and places in the world that would be grateful for any water, even if it doesn't taste that great and is from the tap.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This is very true. Water insecurity is a major global issue.

    @PonyPotato's post reminded me of something. If you're curious about the quality of your tap water, your local water utility should have a copy of the water quality report available for you to read. I read the one for my municipality every year (this is what happens when you're the niece of an environmental engineer and the wife of a chemical engineer).
  4. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Thanks for the data and links posted above.
    I understand what the chemicals are and their potential harmful effects if they are ingested.
    But I don't see data on my situation, and the situation I think is common for most people: Using and reusing a plastic commercial water bottle over and over to contain water, without ever heating it.
  5. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Do you wash it with hot water? If yes, then you heat it up.

    If you wash it with cold water or don't wash it at all, you can invite bacterial and fungal issues.

    It's really a lose-lose-lose (I'm adding a lose for the environment ;) ) to reuse a disposable bottle.
  6. How's it a loss to the environment if you reuse a plastic bottle? I'd have thought it was a good thing for the environment to reuse resources
  7. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    That's me being a little obnoxious and preachy. Personally, if you're going to reuse a plastic water bottle, I don't understand why you wouldn't just get a bottle that is made to be reused, instead of creating more demand for the disposable ones which use more resources to make and transport. If you're planning on using the same water bottle for days/weeks/months at a time and know that while buying the bottle, why not spend an extra few dollars for one you can use for years at a time?
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  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    My wife & a couple of the other teachers take turns buying bottled water to keep at work. I bitch about this because the school buys treated water in 5 gallon bottles and has a hot/cold dispenser in the teacher's lounge. "Why don't y'all just fill up some bottles and take them to the fridge close to your classrooms?" "It's too much trouble."

    Aaauuuggghhh :mad: !
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  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    That is so bizarre. We have no such thing at the school I work at most frequently. All the teachers carry around reusable water bottles. We even have water bottle filler nozzles on the drinking fountains, so we don't have to go down to the teacher's lounge.
  10. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    The building I work in has those filler nozzles. They even have the little screen that tells you how many water bottles you've saved. Each one is up to a couple thousand, and it's really fulfilling. :)
  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Ours aren't that fancy.

    One thing I liked on the trip to Toronto this summer was that after I got past security at PDX, there were signs pointing the way to the water bottle refilling station. Portland municipal water is sooo much better than whatever bottled water Delta serves.
  12. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.


    I love it.
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  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I don't understand it. The best that I can figure is many of the teachers see refilling bottles as 'beneath them.' It's a private religious school, and most of the teachers aren't there for the pay. On a semi-related note, the front office has one of the fancy Keurig sinle-cup coffee makers which the school bought and also buys the single-brew cup thingys. A parent donated a Keurig machine to the teachers, but the school admin (bitch!) told the teachers that they would need buy their own coffee for it.
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We are required to have a commercial-grade coffeemaker, so we have this neat dispenser-style system that brews normally, but you press a button and it dispenses straight into the cup. The front office secretary makes coffee for everyone every morning, and the teachers take turns buying the coffee she makes. Works pretty well for everyone.

    And yes, @GeneticShift, hippies. The PacNW is full of them in their multitudes, with an endless variety to show for it.
  15. boomer411

    boomer411 New Member

    On reusing water bottles; I have been told that it's unsafe to do so. I read something on livestrong:
    "Plastic containers are composed of chemicals that can leak out of the bottles and into the fluid. This occurs not only with water bottles, but also soda bottles, sports...Caption Danger lurks in the chemicals found in many plastic bottles....Reusable plastic water bottles are from high-density polyethylene"

    I'm sure that most people aren't keeping these bottles for yearlong refills. I would be interested in learning how often you have to reuse a bottle before you have ingested enough chemicals to actually be affected. There are chemicals in everything that we eat, not to mention the air quality in some of our major cities.
  16. Steam Heat

    Steam Heat New Member

    SW Washington

    When I moved to the Portland metro area (read: SW WA) I was amazed at how great the tap water was. I still remember how clean and sweet the water tasted the first time I drank it. When I'm at the grocery store, I marvel at the folks I see stocking up on bottled water, and am tempted to ask them what the heck they're thinking.
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  17. Ive visited some countries where there's no way in hell im drinking water from a tap. I'm extremely grateful that I live in a place where its safe to drink
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