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Umm, really? I guess all you need is a 10yr old sports car and a camera to make a video.

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Borla, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I think it was that Jack Black person.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    I agree that it is not being done as well as it could be. Shaky production values and badly researched. Also, for example, in the chorus, the use of reverb on the first two 'Pound on my Muffin' made the sound too 'wet', and thus lost crucial percussive impact needed to support the spat "All you want to do is ..." accusation. And graphically, the booty-shake cut-scenes, though necessary to the mix, were distracting from the smooth flow like over-loud 16-to-the-bar hi-hat hits would have to the sound: The artist needed to linger on some key images a tad longer, to integrate the key concepts with the slow grind of the hip-hop tempo.

    Accepting this, I would, however like to propose the possibility that what's being done here could be something important which needs to continue being done and encouraged to develop.

    The message I got from this work was one of challenge to the traditional mysogenistic/ownership dynamic celebrated by male rappers. However, I could not make out at what level the challenge was being made. Was it against the heirarchy itself? Was it a simple intent to depose the self styled monarchs and maintain the heirarchy, but from a position of more power within it? Was it just a bravado expression of female frustration ... part of a dance of disrespect enshrined in the relatively safe arenas of rapping wars as exemplified in Eminem's film '8 Mile'?

    Danged if I know. I haven't got enough experience of this genre, and I missed some of the words: I'd have definitely layered the main vocal track with an uncompressed copy to preserve transients, and dropped in some unambiguous consonants, even if I'd had to sing them myself..

    What I would need to know is whether there is already strong foundation of female rappers deconstructing or plain dissing the traditional male rappers' perspective, or whether this band be breaking into new territory. If the latter, then my ears prick up and my nostrils quiver. Because, if the latter, then whatever their level of challenge, and whatever their level of insight into what they are pushing against; they are rocking the boat. They are rocking a boat which, in my opinion, desperately needs to be rocked.

    There are many listens, and many 'dislikes'. Some of those are, I'm sure, judging the aesthetic standard. I propose, however, that at least some are STFU responses - the ridicule, the poo-flinging, "'you're just my bitch'ificating" and attempted belittling typically brought down on the head of any repressed group when it encroaches on an orthodoxy by daring to use the orthodoxy's form of expression to promote that group's messages of its own rights and will to empowerment.

    I was saying to Remixer in his recent thread, that I come from a heritage of playing 'real' instruments. My own musical life is an uneasy jostle between trad rock, classical, and ethnic. And OK, heck, I have to be a ... a SALMON, a blinkin' SALMON of self-assertionto swim up a raging waterfall of genetic aversion to this band's way of making music. Yet when I manage it, I come to rest, albeit flopping, exhausted, and eye/ear-sore, into what I believe may be a breeding ground for messages and messengers to whom I must and want to give my support.
  3. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    i shouldn't have watched.... :-(
  4. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I watched for a minute or so, more than I have of that "Friday" video by the girl that appears in Katie Perrys' "Last Friday Night" video.

    and to post something more positive about this - These people have actually created a song & video and posted it online to share with the world. That in itself is more than I have done.
    The quick counterpoint that follows is I would rather have nothing shared than have my name linked to this kind of thing though. I would help with the audio on something like this for the experience but would probably prefer the original Godzilla kind of credit where they changed the names or did not even list them in the credits to avoid hurting their careers.
  5. paddyjoe

    paddyjoe curious

    ROC boy gone south
    Mr. Mars speaks the truth!
  6. wyopen

    wyopen Getting Tilted

    No thanks. Just dumb