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Politics Trump - What has he done now???

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    Where is The Donald* going to start the next war?
    Will it be another Korea or Vietnam, or will he manage to start WWIII?

    *I only recently became aware that a group of Trump supporters is using this name. I use it sarcastically, going back a few of decades when Trump had his wife, Ivana IIRC, refer to him as The Donald. Which shows how long he has been filled with inflated self-importance. If I tried that with my wife, she'd call me The Asshole.
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I'd say he is sparring for fight with with either North Korea or China.

    That said I think he far more likely to get pulled into something he isn't ready for, the way Bush II was pulled into Afghanistan.
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  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I'm honestly not seeing a proper war with China happening.

    The realistic scenario is a trade war sometime in this term (possibly timed with midterm elections to boost Republican numbers against a common enemy), if Trump actually sees his rhetoric through. And at the very most I would expect military skirmishes involving air and navy forces in very limited numbers.

    What I wouldn't be surprised to see, is Trump being dumb enough to think of Iran as Iraq 2.0.
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  4. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

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  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The Trump administration seems the type that would start a war unintentionally. (Though it will be spun as rational and in response to whatever.)
  6. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    If the copious leaks are to be believed Trump won't hold power long enough for any of this to come to fruition. I was reading not so long ago that the real reason Harward turned down his appointment is because pretty much everyone is seeing the writing on the wall now, and he didn't want to be caught up in it. But it's all just unsubstantiated rumours and gossip so who knows really.

    I do think an impeachment is the best possible outcome from here. Not a good outcome, mind, but the best possible. Mike Pence is a terrible human being but he is an experienced politician and nobody will have to speculate whether or not he'll land the nation in a war with China or North Korea, intentionally or not.
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  7. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I'm not sure what will happen between the religious conservatives and rational Republicans and the angry anti-liberal alt-right Tea Party if Trump gets impeached though. Pence might have enough clout with the alt-right nationalists to pass, but I feel that the hateful conservatives and the compassionate conservatives will be attacking each other for years to come. Especially when the lesson they will take away is that McCain and Romney lost for being too moderate, even though the policies would have been similar, the agenda would have been much more covert with the "RINO" Republicans. Although they do fall in line and vote for (R) no matter who is on the ticket.
  8. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I mean, Pence is a hard right creationist religious conservative. He defunded planned parenthood in Indiana and supported the right for business to discriminate against the LGBT community on religious ground. He's basically a religious right dream candidate.

    I'm not sure that he'll get the alt-right or anti-establishment groups behind him so easy. Bannon brings the nationalists to the table, and if Trump goes he most likely will too. Pence might be able to mitigate that a bit with his VP pick, assuming he cares to.

    None of it really matters as long as republican voters equate political party with self-identity. Doesn't matter whether or not they like the candidate so long as they keep voting (R).

    If I were of a more conspiratorial bent I might suggest that Trump was meant to crash and burn from the start. After last November I'm not comfortable speaking in absolutes about the presidential race anymore, but it seems to me like Pence would have had a hard time winning a presidency on his own. Trump harnessed the populist wave and rode it straight into the white house, and ol' Mikey just kind of surfed in behind him. Nobody really pays much attention to VP picks so it's easier to sneak in a candidate there who wouldn't win at the top of the ballot. If Trump gets impeached Pence gets to be president without having to go through the pesky election process and the religious right will have the sort of president they only wish Dubya could have been.

    I don't actually believe that; it ascribes too much competence to too many people. But I can certainly see how if you look at it from a certain angle it looks plausible.
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  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I'm not sure that is too far off though. Pence wouldn't have run the dirty campaign that the alt-right wanted. And while I would bet that Pence would have been able to win over Clinton, I think he would have had a hard time beating Cruz in the GOP primary. Pence might have seemed too much like Romney, where as Cruz would have been just as bad as Trump, if not more when gutting the government and letting the rich do what they want.

    Now the big question is if Russia would have helped anyone else in the GOP, because they knew that Clinton wouldn't have lifted sanctions or helped Russia develop and sell their oil.
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Looks like Comey is dicking over Trump now...so he picks no side who'll he'll make impacting statements on...Hillary or our new prez.
    Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Reject Trump’s Wiretapping Claim

    The difference is...one was about a red herring that helped change an election.
    And this is regarding a lie on something that maybe a potential criminal action...that may hurt a sitting president.

    Hey, he swings hard for homeruns for his words, doesn't he?? :rolleyes:

    Just think, if he had kept his mouth shut on the first...then he wouldn't be in the position to have to open it on the second.
    Ironic to say the least.
  12. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam

    View: https://twitter.com/BettyFckinWhite/status/837161733848510468

    Betty F#!*ing White FTW!

    Although I think the talks were more about helping Russia figure out it's oil exporting issues and lifting sanctions if Trump won rather than what wikileaks was going to release, overt collusion to form a new global white nationalist alliance against Islam, and political intelligence help from the FSB/GRU.
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  13. wye

    wye Getting Tilted

    Does anyone here know if the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 would have applied to Paul Manafort's lobbying firm taking contracts from Ferdinand Marcos and Mobutu Sese Seko in the 80s? These two dictators happen to be the second and third most corrupt world leaders according to Transparency International's estimates of alleged embezzlement. Was the FCPA not enforced well enough before GWB to prosecute this? Is it now past its period of prescription?

    More recently, Manafort has lobbied for the former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, the extent of whose corruption has yet to be so formally assessed. If it is determined that Yanukovych indeed embezzled vasts sums of money for features of his estate such as the private zoo, golf course, vintage automobile museum, and floating banquet hall, will Manafort be subject to FCPA violation this time around?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Trump’s Dictator Chic

    Comes quite naturally to him... :rolleyes:

    I've been to his original Trump Tower in NYC back in the 80's
    It's been this way for a LONG time, over the top.

    I really cannot keep up with all the real news on him...continuing negative news.
    ...so I went for fluff insulting. (but hey, it's his style, not mine) ;)
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  17. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    The taxes... I don't think it told us much that we didn't already know.

    I am much more interested in what the sources were for the money he earned.

    Also, much is being made of the 25% he paid without really seeing that if the law on the books ensuring a minimum is paid he would have only paid about 5%. All legal of course. But I have two thoughts:

    1. he's trying to kill that minimum tax law.
    2. Maybe the US shouldn't have so many exemptions from paying tax.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Science?? What's that?
    Sometimes I think we're seeing the beginning of of the new Inquisition (nobody expected that...except Monty Python)

    Followup to your post...get your red hot percentages here:
    Who Wins and Loses in Trump’s Proposed Budget

    At least we have the cowards in Congress that might change it.
    And the Departments and staffers which distribute it, may make their own choices with the pools of money.
    Trump doesn't have full control.

    The budget is just a suggestion list.
    Which I'm sure will piss Trump off, once he finally figures it out. :rolleyes:
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