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Politics Trump - What has he done now???

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    He'll lose? We'll see... :rolleyes:
    And BM is full of himself, thinking he's smarter than everyone.

    To keep to the "pig butchering" scam Chump is running on his supporters...trying to fattening them up before going in for the kill. (I'd say cheetah, eating faces...He's more like a snapping turtle, won't let go)
    Chump is slicker and slimier than a oiled up pig, squirming squealing and scrambling for his life...hard to catch, hard to corner, can't seem to ever grab, certainly can't keep a hold of him. :confused:

    All it takes is one gap, one opportunity or mistake by the opposition...and he'll be off again. Audacious enough and no shame, claim anything to get back in the game and up to the top.
    It's how he's made it up here, it's how he's survived and how he'd succeeded.
    Despite all the bankruptcies, lenders still give him money.
    Despite all the lies and BS, his supporters still crow for him. (and vote)
    Despite it all, there's still independents, that vote for him, just because his name is known and he's all over the news always, for good AND bad.

    I DO have faith he'll fuck up again big time. Repeatedly, been there done that, nothing new under the sun...SSDD...does a frog have warts???

    I do NOT have faith in the media.
    I do NOT have faith in our leaders or courts.
    And unfortunately, I don't have faith in the overall public, to make a sane smart choice...even just a good choice, KISS.

    They're the ones that bought pet rocks, way back when. :oops:
    And they're the ones that vote for a guy, who's everything every good mother has warned their kids to not become and not get involved with.

    Why, IDK
    It's irrational, IMHO.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Maher is funny, and he knows some insiders,
    but...yes, he has elevated himself to a level he hasn't actually reached. And I hope he's spot on correct.

    The sad thing is NPD Trump doesn't have to screw up to lose, he just needs something bad to happen to Harris' campaign, which is my biggest concern right now. It wouldn’t take much. It wouldn't have to be true. It wouldn't even have to be particularly credible.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    My sentiments...
    Does it surprise anyone even half-way aware???

    1. He IS an asshole, pissing off god knows how many people and he doesn't care.
    2. He HAS ignored and fully blown off Secret Service requests and efforts.
    3. He IS having spontaneous and random events throughout America
    4. He IS living in Mar-A-Lago...a friggin' club, NOT made to be secured like the White House, or Camp David.
    5. He DOES thing constantly out in the open, like playing golf or give TONS of long speeches
    6. He HAS more potential just for copy cat killers, because the 1st struck...all the wannabe, I need attention crazies are going to be next in line.
    7. His friggin' mug and name is ALL over the place ALL the time... (Harris and Biden don't even come close)

    So, it's not just stop being dick.

    Hell, even that grand pic of him raising his fist after the 1st wannabe hitter clipped his ear,
    The Secret Service was TRYING to get his ass down low and away... and he wouldn't get fuckin' down!! :rolleyes:

    Frankly, if he gets himself offed...oh well, one less thing to worry about...and we can have some fuckin' peace & quiet...and his name fades. (after 1 month of media hype on the saga...before they get...squirrel !!! :oops:)
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  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX



    I bet the SS just loves it when NPD Trump stops out in the open to wave to non-existent crowds and does his slow I -grant-you-the-privelage
    -of-viewing-me walk.
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