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Trayvon Martin.

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by mixedmedia, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    And this is not paranoid thinking? 24/7? Really? You and your loved ones are living in an environment which is constantly under threat? Where are you living, in Syria? For fuck's sake, get a life and enjoy it. I'm afraid all you've done by posting this is confirm my original assessment of gun carriers. You're either living under a relentless black cloud of fear and paranoid suspicion of everyone or you have so little to pump your chest about you've compensated by earning yourself the badge of gun-toting Jedi.
    --- merged: Apr 28, 2012 at 7:30 PM ---
    Your loons have guns. That doesn't give me warm and fuzzies.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2012
  2. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    So what? your loons have knives, clubs, cars, sporting goods, rocks, house hold cleaners, and a hundred of other things that kill more people then guns do every year.
  3. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    My loons have memberships in online forums and too much free time. Watch yo'self.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll


    Seer666, my man, could you have possibly fucked up the tired old gun debate any more than with this? I think not. Please stop feeding the anti-gun crowd exactly what they want to hear. You’re a reasonable man, right? Just know that you should only come to this thread to masturbate.

    So... c'mere a minute. We need to talk.

    First, the "24/7" argument is full retard. You can’t say stuff like that. You just can't. It’s tinfoil hat at its best. Don’t do it. It makes you grow a dick outta your forehead. Or at least type it in all caps so we know you’re pulling a true Tilted Politics. Anyway, here’s the thing: Life is a 24/7 thing, everything else is a small percentage. I don’t go to bed at night worrying about someone breaching my front door with M118 and raping my girlfriend with the Great American Challenge dildo. I don’t go out to the bar for salsa dancing with a Kabar taped to my dick in case someone tries to attack me in the john. If I was worried about security 24/7, I’d never sleep with ear plugs in to block out the noisy college kids in the next stack, drink alcoholic beverages or leave the safety of my HESCO’d compound deep in the northern woods of Montana. Please memorize this: The only difference between a responsible gun owner and a citizen without a firearm is that the individual with the firearm has an additional option added to their “A. crap pants, B. call cops on cell” selection. Anybody that says they’re “always on” as far as self-defense is a lying sack of shit. Having spent time with men in a combat zone, I assure you that you get burnt the fuck out very quickly from being “on.” You, specifically, are not always on, brother. You like to fuck your wife, you have kids, you own a mediocre handgun (I’ve seen it) and you’ve spent money on vices instead of stockpiling Lvl IV SA body armor setups.

    Guess what? Turns out I'm the same goddamn way. I'm listening to punk music in my underwear. My guns are currently secured in their respective zipper bags in a locked container in a locked room in a locked apartment. I'm going to drink a beer in a minute. So much for that "24/7" thing, huh?

    Second, get away from the supposed fact that firearm ownership requires ungodly amounts of time and resources. Guns wouldn't be as popular as they are if they were difficult to master or prohibitively expensive to use. That argument makes gun owners look like single-minded fanatics without other hobbies or social lives. Let's talk numbers: A Glock 19 costs $600. Ammo to stay familiar at 7 yards costs $50 a month (50 rnds/week). People spend way more on cigarettes and beer and their precious-and-still-illegal marijuana than on guns and ammo. Fucking golf is way more expensive.

    To suggest that firearms are like a journeyman program is also ridiculous. Guns are designed to be used by morons. Guns revolutionized combat because you could take an unskilled peasant, give him a flintlock and turn him into the same kind of one-shot killer as a blue blood soldier in a fancy red uniform. Illiterate knuckle-draggers are given an incredible ray of automatic weapons (some that shoot fucking grenades!) by the government to "defend our freedoms." I used to be one. Mikhail Kalashnikov's infamous AK-47 was not designed to be operated by a college graduate. Something as simple as lining up a front post with a rear notch and squeezing a trigger is not a journeyman program. Any dumbass with decent hand/eye can do it. It doesn't take some type of brave hero or mega athlete to master the physical act of shooting. Some of the best shots I’ve seen both in the tactical and competitive shooting circuits are fatasses that quite literally can’t run or do a push-up to save their life. I can take any one of these flabby hippie motherfuckers off TFP and get them blasting a fist-sized group at 7 yards with a few hours and 500 rounds. It's that goddamn easy, I swear.

    So, please... just stop. Just stop. Their peace-love-and-Dial-911 minds are already made. Guns are stupid, gun people are stupid, etc.

    The sane, competent gun owners that conceal carry around them will continue to go completely unnoticed.

    Because that's what they do: live their lives.

    They're not George Zimmerman.

    And I'm not George Zimmerman.

    And you're not Zimmerman.

    So stop typing like him.


    You either own guns or guns own you.

    Take a minute to internalize that one.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    Plan9, you a wonderful dickhead. Keep it up.


    Yes, guns are amazingly simple things. Point, pull trigger, repeat. At it's simplest. It's also a skill set. That requires constant reinforcement of those skills. That is time and money. How much that safe cost you? Those guns? The ammo. The range fee, the safety equipment, the classes. Adds up. Even if you are just a hobby shooter. While I never be a master marksmen or super ninja bad ass mofo, due to a lack of motivation and an in ability to really give a rats ass about saving the world, I do strive to better myself and my marksmanship. In that context, not so far a stretch to compare the two.

    I to, spend a lot of time listening to punk and other forms of music in my underwear. I'm also working on the next generation of up coming underwear dancing punk rockers. The boys will know every Ramones song by their 5th birthday if I have my way. But the 24/7 thing is not a tin foil hat view. And not even gun related in most of it. It's a simple mentality of making sure everything is kept safe. It's everything from simply locking the front door, to training my kids to never touch a gun if they see one, to learning the skills involved with being an actual responsible gun owner and not another fuckwit that ends up being an example of the kind of person that should never own anything sharper then a butter knife like Zimmerman. It's an all day every day thing. Well, unless I'm taking a break to dance in my underwear.
  6. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Honestly, I feel the same exact way about 'pro-gunners' who seem to think that any law that eases gun rights and makes it possible for as many people as possible to carry them are assholes, too. And certainly you understand that anti-gun activism has nothing to do with martyrdom or cowardice. Regardless of how you feel that society should protect itself, their aim is to protect society as well. I don't want to get into a dissection of that debate (it's been pretty thoroughly hashed out in other threads) but I understand your point of view and why you feel that way. I would hope that you are just being a little bombastic with your characterizations of them and have an accurate understanding of why people oppose gun rights, as well.

    Secondly, I don't feel a need to protect myself. That's one thing that you guys need to get through your heads. I don't have self-protection in mind as an ongoing, consistent need. No one in my family feels that way, I was not raised with a fear of the people around me. I don't hear stories of horrible things that happen in the news and think, oh, that could have been me. Some of us are just wired differently. And there is nothing wrong with that.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    So why aren't you responsible gun-owning, gun-carrying types out there pushing for the sort of regulations, oversight, mandatory psychological testing, whatever it takes to disarm these so-called fuckwits you are obviously all aware of? If you're a member of the NRA, band together and insist they represent you in your quest to purge your ranks of them. (Good luck with that) Or form your own organization.

    In fairness, responsible gun owners do not seem to be wreaking havoc on society. It's your irresponsible comrades-in-arms who are causing all the trouble and making the gun issue difficult for you. From my point of view, as a citizen who does not own a gun, I look at the problem and admittedly see the most extreme solution. If it can't be determined that all gun owners who conceal and carry are of the responsible sort, then the risk of even one Zimmerman out there is too great a risk to the public.

    I suppose my extreme solution is, in part or maybe in whole, a reaction to the extreme position taken by the NRA - less regulation, legislation, and restriction on who can own or carry, and broader, less defined areas constituting self-defense. Positions and attitudes formed and upheld based on a single ideology, without regard to consequence is irresponsible. I don't want to stand my ground based on an ideology which only exists as a reaction to it's opposite.

    There's a solution(s) which can satisfy everyone or at least a majority, but as long as the NRA stands firm on it's own narrow-minded ideology that gun ownership is and should remain a guaranteed and uninhibited right for everyone (except the nebulous criminal element) regardless of need, competence, consequence, or public safety, I don't see how any solution will ever see the light of day.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  8. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    So undercover police have specialized training that normal citizens cannot? Or are you suggesting that the police here do like they do in Britian, "Stop or I'll yell stop again!"

    Is not that what Mr. Zimmerman should have done since a neighborhood watch is supposed to WATCH not police or engage directly?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  9. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    Protect yourself or don't, either way, that is totally your call. I support your right to live however you want. And that is the exact same respect I ask in return, nothing more. The main reason that I have absolutely no respect for the brady's and their ilk is because while my main goal is to be left alone, their main goal is to push their view of the world onto me.
  10. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    To you and your ilk who want nothing more than to be left alone: Buy yourself a mountaintop fortress and barricade yourself in. If you venture into town, leave your weapon at home. Most of us townies are pretty civilized and have found alternate ways to get along with each other that don't include the wearing, concealing or brandishing of deadly weapons to threaten and intimidate each other. If there's someone in our midst who can't get along and wants to cause trouble, we have laws and law enforcement created to handle them. Sorry, but we just don't know you well enough to trust you when you say you are in full control of your emotions and reactions and will never use your firearm inappropriately.

    You understand mistrust so should have no problem understanding ours.
  11. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    I thought remote camps in the mountains was the dream for hippies. Build me a town with a steak house, a range, a couple a bars and high speed internet, and I may just move there. Until then, me and my gun will stay in town.
  12. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I was thinking more along of the lines of Western Kentucky, somewhere in the Appalachians. You'd be right at home with your gun(s).

    Shows how much you don't know about Hippies. We prefer wide open farm land where we can milk cows, grow herbs and read Kurt Vonnegut. Everyone knows we only take short forays into the mountains to commune with the wood goddess and perform our Satanic rituals.
  13. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    Fiddlesticks! You love me. My long pony tail is reminiscent of Seagal, and you can't fight that. It's ok. I love you too :)

    I vaguely remember that zeraph character - compare me not to him, or prepare for some type of unpleasant onslaught ye bastage! Not to mention that cock-garglage is well-known to cut down on plaque build-up and from what I've heard about semen consumption, severely increase one's happiness. Perhaps ye might consider it mon ami?

    Now, onto the topic at hand. Where is this thread headed? Discussion of SYG legislation? Gun rights in general? I honestly don't know the answer to this - I suppose I should google it first, but fuck it: Did Zimmerman have a CCW license? If so....how? I definitely agree with something joniemack said: I think it's up to the responsible gun-owners to call for reforms that would have restricted this guy's access to firearms, particularly carried in public (assuming he was authorized to do so). From everything I've read, this dude shouldn't have been allowed to be packing in public. I have to imagine that if he didn't have a CCW-type license, he should have already been charged with that at minimum. Thus, assuming he did - with what I've read of his record....why was his CCW not revoked. Let him keep his guns in his house in the case of home invasion, but why let him have them in his truck while he's playing kirstang...whoops, meant Seagal....I get y'all confused sometimes, what with the wig and all.

    Regardless, glad everyone is doing ok.
  14. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    FWIW, I think he had a prior arrest for resisting arrest, which is the most bullshit charge in the world, if you read case law on it. (Cop tells you to clear out of the park, you ask cop why you should clear out, cop tells you to clear out again, you walk away, as you're walking away, he tackles you from behind and arrests you for resisting--its true, read the case law).
  15. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    From what I understand, Zimmerman was legally carrying his firearm.
  16. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I don't know that there's anything in current or recent past FL law that would have prevented him getting a license to carry. After obtaining it though, there were several complaints made against him by some of his neighbors, for unwarranted harassment. According to the neighborhood committee who put out the call for a NW coordinator, Zimmerman was the only taker. According to the committee chairman, Zimmerman was told that a firearm would not be required, but they do acknowledge that they couldn't prevent him from carrying one due to his legal and licensed right to do so.

    Zimmerman was vigilante material. His neighbors knew it, the neighborhood committee knew it, and I don't doubt for a minute that the Sanford police knew it. They'd had enough calls from him and contact with him to be fully aware of it. Trayvon Martin was not the first to be physically taken down by Zimmerman, though the one other instance I read about did not involve his weapon. Beside the point, really as volunteer or resident appointed neighborhood watch groups or individuals do not have permission from local police agencies to chase down, subdue or apprehend suspects. It could not have been more obvious, by his actions, that he was way too keen on his job, probably believing himself to be an arm of the Sanford PD, itself.

    So my question would be, not why was he given a license to carry and conceal but why, when obvious behaviors would suggest to all but the blind that he had a delusional, vigilante mindset, was he allowed to keep his license and his weapon? Was it because his father was a retired judge or aren't CCW licenses subject to revocation, even on the basis of the carrier's questionable mental competence?

    Easy to say he was "not one of us" after the fact, but where was the intervention before the fact?

    You all talk a good game about safety and responsibility but when it comes right down to it, it's the Second Amendment, stupid. It's sacrosanct. Don't fuck with it or any part of it. Case closed.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Seems obvious but I'll state it for the hoplophobes in the room: George Zimmerman is a douche bag, not a psycho.
  18. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    The point of this distinction is what? Being a douche bag is protected under the 2nd amendment or - It would be impossible to disarm douche bags with guns because there's just too many of them?


    People afflicted with an irrational fear of firearms.

    Sorry, Plan, but these are not the hoplophobes you seek.

  19. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Yes, and no need to fear douche bags with guns. Unless of course you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    I suppose I should fear both criminals and legally armed douchebags w. equal diligence.
    As you were.
  20. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Hoplophobe or not, it's always a good idea to know the self-defense laws when you're traveling about the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Expanded self-defense laws
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