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Travel Rules

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by snowy, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    good reading. i didn't see anyone mention crime so i will. besides not keeping a wallet in the normal place, be aware that thieves have a way of marking people that aren't local and it's easy to be targeted. with that in mind keep your head on a swivel when you're roaming around.

    -also keep your expensive electronics at home as much as possible if you're going to the wrong foreign country. an iphone is a years salary to people in a lot of places, and i can't tell you how many friends of mine have had them swiped. if possible make due with a cheaper mp3 player for 20$ from cvs, real books as opposed to a tablet or a cheaper tablet to save your new ipad, and a throwaway cheap cell phone.

    - on 9 out of the 10 longer flights i've ever taken, i got something from the petri dish of the airplane and it's recycled air. if you don't mind the ridiculous look i recommend a soft painters respirator mask so that you can enjoy your trip without a respiratory infection unlike me in amsterdam. also, to this end pop some airborne/vitamins and avoid alcohol/stay hydrated in flight if you can help it.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
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  2. Ozmanitis

    Ozmanitis Trust in your will and Hope will burn bright!

    Texas USA
    Great advice Highjinx, I pretty much do the same thing on the plane. The thought of breathing 100 some odd peoples germs is enough to make you want to walk.
  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Whatchu talkin' bout, boy?

    Drinking on medium- and long-haul flights is half the goddamn fun!
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Great thread.

    Excellent point. Being a Wandering White Person is sure to put you in the HUD of potential criminals. Not only is your wallet a target, but your passport. I wear my passport case around my neck so its sits on my chest under my shirt. Wallets/passport cases that provide RFID shielding are a good idea. In general, it's a good idea to make sure your personal items such as your wallet, keys, etc. are in a secure container or tethered to your person to prevent accidental loss or theft. If it wouldn't survive jumping out of a plane, it might not survive your carefree vacation antics.

    When traveling abroad you'll probably have a healthy chunk of the local currency, so splitting up your travel money is also a smart choice. I carry money in my wallet, passport case and some emergency cab/hotel room money under my insoles. If you lose your wallet, you're not screwed and if you're totally screwed, at least you have still have your shoes. If you're in a foreign country and lose your shoes, well, you're hurtin'. Implied task with stuffing money in your boots is to fold it into a flat packet and vacuum seal it so it doesn't get torn up / turn into mush if you step into a puddle / smell like nasty feet. That and vacuum sealers are friggin' fantastic for all sorts of travel uses such as sealing toiletries and shrinking socks into tiny rolls.

    Not skylining yourself as a "wealthy tourist" is more important than not bringing your toys. Dress modestly, don't pull out your device every five minutes to update FaceySpace, etc. You can bring your laptop/iPhone, but keep it out of sight. If you're in a really shitty country, yeah, don't bring your electronics because they'll be stolen by thieves or confiscated for a "security scan" by the curious local government. If you're in a only slightly questionable place, it's recommended that you take your most important possessions with you each time you leave your hotel room for the day.

    For serious!

    Dunno, bro.

    Those free drinks on longer flights are a friggin' godsend to those of us that can't sleep in the upright position while surrounded by halitosis stench and screaming babies. Two mini-bottles of red wine and a Benadryl and you're knocked the fuck out... which is the key to success for a 12+ hour flight. If you've got the miles to upgrade, business class nets you even more free drinks and an even better seat to enjoy the simple comfort of being chemically sedated. I don't believe in getting retarded drunk on flights, but if the booze is free and I can use it to fall asleep for ~6 hours, I'm totally game.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
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  5. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I love you man. You're so white, you do shit I wouldn't consider in a million years.

    Coincidentally... I travel a lot, walk around like Barney Stinson, and never has anything been stolen from me.

    True story.