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Tips to Make Everyday Tasks More Bearable

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by snowy, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    We have a nice real stereo with good speakers in the kitchen. So...
    • Santana
    • Sousa
    • Shostakovich
    • Beethoven
    • Bartok
    • Bob Wills
    • Allan Petterson
    While I do the dishes. Sig and I have cultural conflict. His family of origin puts everything in the sink, where it turns into a toxic mess, in order to keep the counter clear. My family of origin gives everything a quick rinse, then stacks it on the counter to wash later, thus keeping the sink clear. I'll usually hand wash anything but silverware.
    We both hate unloading the dishwasher, so it can be full of clean dishes, while the rest of the kitchen turns into a disaster.
  2. For us (what I actually mean is for my wife) we knock it out like Plan9 says, "as they pop up". We have three laundry bags: One for darks; one for whites; and one for delicates. Once a bag is filled its laundered usually that day. My wife plugs her phone into the dock and makes a game out of folding clothes with our daughter. It usually takes awhile because my wife will fold a stack and the little one will make her own with the same items.

    But the same goes for your desk Snowy. As soon as you're done with that dish put it in the sink. Better yet wash it and put it up. You'll have a clean desk and an empty sink.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I have a fancy European dishwasher (Bosch). There is no way in hell I would rinse a dish. That's a waste of water with my dishwasher. Your dish can literally have caked on crap and it will come out sparkling-without prerinsing. In fact, prerinsing isn't recommended. I am supposed to scrape my dishes, which I do, and then load them. The only thing I have seen defeat my dishwasher is several days kept there egg yolk.

    I should note that my dishwasher is more efficient than handwashing.
  4. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I have been revisiting the joy of dishes and laundry and I have found that music is the cure for all that ails me.

    I crank some music, put my head down, and give 'er.
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Sundays are for laundry. I do small loads as needed, like stanky workout clothes, but typically it is Sunday. I made it habit. When I had to go to the laundromat, I put it on my schedule for every Monday evening. I hate laundry, but it comes us the stairs and hang it up or fold it immediately. I hate ironing more than laundry. So I eat my Lima beans before my ice cream

    As for dishes, I'm horrible at that shite... So S decided that we shouldn't go to bed with dishes in the sink or on the counter. It was great in theory. But, meet Max... I do my best because he's broken three glasses and a plate and sent a shot glass into the garbage disposal, which I later turned on... I'd love a solution to helping motivate myself and others into doing the dishes thing. I don't mind doing them... It's just getting started that sucks.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    The house I'm working at this summer has a beautiful view of the Willamette Valley with the Three Sisters (big, snowcapped mountains) in the distance, their little white tops peeking over the foothills. It's so lovely. I could do dishes at that sink all day long.
  7. shanifaye

    shanifaye Dominissive

    Lilburn, GA
    I am lucky he has a most wonderful mother that taught him that it wasnt his job to sit on his butt and wait for clean clothes to magically appear lol
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