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The TFP Health Club

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Mister Coaster, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I can't wait to go to the gym this evening and lift.

    Who the fuck am I?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    I'd say you're Buff. :D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Damnitall, I'm assuming you were bench pressing forty lb dumbbells?

    Finally got my mountain bike tuned up. Replaced the inner tubes, degreased and re lubed the chain, and adjusted the disc brakes. Need to adjust the gear shift and maybe bleed the front brake. I'm in bad shape right now. Like worried about where things are going and have gone.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Yes sir.

    Got five reps at 185lbs and 3 reps at 195lbs for my last two sets of deadlifts tonight. I'd say the evening was a success.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
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  5. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    That's all impressive.

    Also looking at a good full suspension mountain bike for my girlfriend. She definitely qualifies as an Athena, and I worry about her safety as a novice rider, but I want her to learn on good equipment. It sucks to try to learn something new on lousy equipment.
  6. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Absolutely couldn't agree more on that last point—bravo.

    Are you looking at any specific models in particular? And do you have any questions about any features you've seen or are looking into for her bike?

    Oh, and more importantly, what type if terrain does she expect she'd be taking it out on? No sense, for example, in getting something with super plush full suspension if most of what she'll be riding is rolling cross country.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  7. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Since January, I am down from 282 pounds to 239. That's 43 pounds, or 15.25% of my original weight.

    My BMI is down from 35.2 to 29.9. Note that because of the configuration of my body (relatively long spine, short legs), my BMI is automatically on the high side.

    My strategy is pretty simple:
    (1) Weigh myself every morning.
    (2) No dairy foods.
    (3) Eat a good breakfast and lunch every day, but a very light dinner, and nothing after dinner.
    (4) Walk the dog on a 1.5 mile route through the neighborhood.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
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  8. Snoogans

    Snoogans Getting Tilted

    Uppsala, Sweden
    Holy crap! Well done!!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Hit 370 for two very ugly reps on the bench last night. So far my shoulders are fairly happy, and the band I got to support my right elbow is helping with the tendinitis that I was developing. Squats are doing well. I went to 10 rep sets on Saturday, but they aggravated my lower back a little, only got 7 reps with 405, but the bar was starting to slide down my shoulders. My legs could have taken it, though. No lasting feeling of strain, but I'm a bit paranoid about my back. Gonna give up regular deads and just do romanians or stiff legged deads. Less back tweaking with those.

    The wife said I look like I'm losing my vacation fatness, woot. Still not going to get on the scale. That thing is mean to me.
  10. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Took this class for the first time as my second of two training classes this evening (we got to push a pickup truck across a parking lot in teams of three during the first class). Afterwards I promptly drove to Sports Authority and bought a pair of my own boxing gloves. I think this might become a regular thing.

    Not complaining. KaPOW!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Wasn't sure where to put this one has many threads would work, but its really at home here I think.

    My wife is in the hut right now, so she was nice and gave me a noon hand job. She does "this thing" where I completely tense up. After I was done, she said "I wish I could take a picture of your body when I do that, every muscle flexed and you looked fantastic, your hard work is paying off.".

    My wife (and I) are not big complementors, we only say it when we mean it, so that was very nice.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Here's how my weight has changed since January:

    • Like Like x 5
  13. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Really great trend, I keep trying to tell my wife that, its the trend that matters.
  14. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Congrats, Street. Looks like you've established a good Pattern.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I deadlifted 200lbs for five reps tonight.

    • Like Like x 4
  16. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Another accomplishment to share: tonight I did an unassisted pull-up. Sure it was ugly and I jumped up to the bar to get it done, but I did it.

    This has been a goal of mine for more than ten years. The ultimate goal is to do a pull-up from a dead hang, and I'm working towards reaching that goal before Christmas so I can give the gift I promised myself a decade ago: my back piece tattoo.

    I'm kind of still in shock.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Benched 375 for one last week and squatted 425 for 6. A smart man would back off a bit and do some light work and get back to heavy slowly. Anybody know any smart men?

    (I'm probably going to pull something, or have a recurrence of tendinitis soon.)
    --- merged: Nov 17, 2014 at 8:54 AM ---
    I've been wondering if my success in the gym lately is because I'm not getting laid and have an abundance of testosterone... If so, I'd rather be getting laid.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2014
  18. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Gotta get back into the gym. Push push...
  19. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    After a week off, and ten pound gained, I went back to the gym today. Felt good. I'm hoping to add some extra sessions per week, as I've been averaging just two times a week lately. Two heavy ones and one to two maintenance days would probably help.
  20. I hate exercising for the sake of exersizing. When there is no snow I ride my MT bike up a road then bomb down a trail. A typical ride is a half vehicle shuttle, ride up for 1.5 hours then ride down for 1.5 hours. I usually get out on my bike 100 days per year.

    I ski tour, walk up with skis on then ski back down, I try to get at least one day per week on skis when I can. A day usually consists of half hour sled ride into the mountains the 2-4 runs. I usually walk up for about 4 hour per day and ski for 45 minutes.

    I worked in an office for 18 years and was about 195 - 200 lbs. I quit engineering and now build houses and have a farm. Outside all day doing physical labour is far more rewarding (excepting pay) and I'm now about 182 lbs. Everything is easier, skiing, biking, labouring...

    Office work will kill ya.