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Politics The Marginalization of Ron Paul (or How Media Plays Favorites)

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by Derwood, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Eddie Getting Tilted

    What folks are you talking about?
  2. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    You know, the entitled 99%.
  3. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Are we in the Occupy thread?
  4. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    It defies borders. :)
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Even if you're not trivializing mental health issues, you are, at least, making generalizations. People of all classes look for quick fixes to these issues, so it's kind of a non-starter here. Humans have basic emotional and psychological needs as they do physical ones. And one aspect of an adequately funded health care system is that education can teach many how to deal with their issues in natural non-pharmacological ways if it's possible. Though I doubt Ron Paul is going to address that sort of thing, so this isn't really something to discuss here.
  6. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    I just don't understand why Eddie thinks that the richest nation in the world should have 99% of its population feeling like 3 meals a day and an auto-loan is too luxurious
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Well, clearly what's fair is fair. And rich people generate all the wealth, while everyone else...um...does nothing but benefit....or something.... Wait, what?
  8. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    You brought them up in post 189. Something about them having to rely on their parents too much...
  9. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Is it really any wonder why Paul is hovering around 4th place in the Republican primaries? Much like '08 and despite the money he has generated.

    Many of his policies are the most extremist among the challengers - from his plan to effectively eliminate the federal regulatory system to his desire to emasculate the courts to his isolationist policies. This is not smaller, more efficient government; it is disdain for the federal government and an arrogance that he knows better than all others about what the framers of the Constitution intended.

    I would only add that in my experience his supporters certainly dont do him any service in the manner in which they express their support or engage others. Many are condescending, dismissive and smug; and more often than not, unwilling to discuss the facts in a reasonable and rational manner. Hardly an effective way to generate support for their candidate.
  10. Eddie Getting Tilted

    It's going to require some extreme actions to get this country back on track, back to it's Constitutional foundation. But Paul's greatest obstacle and the reason he's been under a media blackout is that the bankers and the federal reserve don't want him anywhere near the White House. Wall Street bankers, the Fed, and by association our current federal government does not want Paul in the oval office because they know he will audit them and he will hold them accountable.
  11. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    I neglected to mention the constant whining by supporters that he has been subject to a media blackout.
  12. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    This is as good a thread as any to ask this question. It's a genuine one, because I'm sure this must have been thought out and, not being from the USA, I haven't heard any debate on it.

    If the desire of libertarians is to have vastly reduced central government and lose the "fed" (which seems a clear target), what happens in terms of the common currency in the USA? I mean the dollar.

    Is it seen as desirable to move to a situation much more like countries in the Euro zone? If so, are the currency issues in the Euro zone seen as not a problem? A currency affects (and is affected by) interest rates and imports and exports and .. in short .. the economy as a whole - and by the weakest parts of that economy as well as the strongest. What will replace what is in place now? What mechanisms? What will that cost? And who will pay?
  13. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Auditing the Fed is the one Paul idea that has merit.

    But bankers certainly are not displeased with Paul's unwavering opposition to regulating Wall Street and financial services at any level, just as corporate leaders would not be unhappy with his position of dismantling Sarbanes-Oxley, the regulatory program put in place as a result of Enron and other corporate scandals.
    --- merged: Nov 6, 2011 4:50 PM ---
    Can you imagine Congress, in its present dysfunctional state, setting US monetary policy...and the economic uncertainty that would likely result?
  14. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Exactly. I don't see why banks would oppose Paul. They'd get to control the "rules" of currency without the Fed, and would have no regulations preventing them from misrepresenting their assets. Paul would be a 1%'ers dream come true
  15. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    He was on Fox News Sunday today. And other than his answer to the 38% CDC cuts that somehow private companies and investors would pick up, it was a good interview.

    He does have more of a plan than anyone else, yet he just needs to explain it. And prove to the American people that it will work better than the current path.
  16. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Did you know that of all the GOP candidates the one with the most donations from military servicemen is Ron Paul?

  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    No surprise, particularly given that Paul donor demographics are young, white, male.

    The surprise in '08 was that Obama was the leading recipient of contributions from the active military.
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Maybe they simply support who they think will end the fiascoes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  19. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    How many Republican voters do you imagine are paying attention at this point? 25%? 50%? How many of those do you think are values voters vs voters concerned with the size of government? No matter how you frame it, the fact is, the "public" you claim is strongly in support of Paul is a small piece of the pie mostly made up of tea party members who are hanging on every word uttered . I wouldn't look upon that as a rousing indicator that Ron Paul enjoys enough support to win the Republican primary, let alone a general election.

    I remember the last Democratic primary when everyone was quoting Joe Biden. "I agree with Joe.........." It was funny really. He didn't get the nomination, despite the fact that he was right on target with many of his opinions and proposals.

    Besides, the RNC has already chosen their candidate. :)
  20. Eddie Getting Tilted

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