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The Left 4 Dead Meetup Thread

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Baraka_Guru, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    I'm down for L4D tonight, just facebook me or send me a PM about it. I'll try to drag myself from skyrim. :)
  2. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Joining Settie in a minute.

  4. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    I'm already there, watching Walking dead til time to go.
  5. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Alright. Slaughtering zombies till Settie lets me know in Steam.
  6. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    it's on sale at steam for just over 15 more hours. 75% off!!! It's really a good time for $4.99 for each or $7.49 for both. 4 pack bundle is $14.99, buy it if you haven't gotten it and you can gift the others to TFP members or other friends.

  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I bought both today. My husband is buying both too. We've got to clear some hard drive space on one computer in order to get it going. I'll let you know when that happens.
  8. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    this is how I play L4D when not playing with TFPers.

    • Like Like x 1
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    That's not just L4D. It happened ALL THE TIME to me in WoW!!!!

    Except it's more like:

    DPS Timmy: (Psh. I'm so pro. I'mma gonna max my DPS and show these fuckers.)




    *party wipes because not enough damage is being doled out*

    DPS Timmy: "Fucking healer! Why didn't you healz!!!!?"

    Healer: "I was healing the tank. You were both taking aggro. Watch your aggro, dude. I can't heal both of you and keep both of you alive. The tank is number one priority. The tank drops, or I drop, and we're going to wipe."


    *DPS Timmy leaves the party*

    Tank: "Wow that guy sucked. Good riddance."

    *DPS Wildcard joins the party*

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Funnily enough, me and my buddy just traded in my copy of LFD 2 (360) at Gamestop with some of our other games, and bought Batman: Arkham City with the credit.
    I just couldn't get into the game. I guess it's better with friends, but I never had a group I liked. Playing on the 360 didn't help, either.
  11. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    yah you have to play with us...
  12. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I propose we get a game started this weekend. Who's in?
    I miss killing zombies.... :(
  13. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Yeah, I haven't touched Left 4 Dead in months.

    I'm in.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Awesome :D
    Bara? cyn? martian? you guys in?
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Maybe later tonight. I'll check in. I'm just wrapping up some work stuff here.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I'm in for a bit later tonight. I'm working on a new project which I'm pushing here and pushing there. I have a show tomorrow so I can't wipe myself out. I'll try to do a whole movie, or whatever you call it.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany

    Working on an extensive essay I have to hand in today because of my flight to Dubai (which makes me miss some classes), but I'll squeeze in a campaign as well. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Dude, off my back. Fuuuuck... ;)
  20. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Well... my game crashed for some reason and when I loaded up again I couldn't find the game and none of you are on my friends list. :(

    Enjoy the game and will play again soon.