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Politics The Elephant in the room...The GOP today

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Is it giving votes or giving rope?
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Good question...while the potential implication could benefit and push the GOP agenda,
    they have a poor tendency to overplay their hand and it boomerangs on them.

    There is a balance...and the public & media will take someone to task for doing something stupid or excessive.
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    You better watch out, you may get what you wish for...

    One thing I do know, from just observation and experience, #1 is likely.
    The GOP always seems to take the ball...and run with it HARD, even overkill. (if not the wrong way down the field)
    Having just won by a nose, "We have a Mandate!"
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
  4. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    The problem is that the Democrats have no game plan and aren't putting up any opposition to the narrative the right-wing media is painting. I'm not sure what the Democrats agenda is. Do they want to scare the Dem base into coming out because they are worried about a landslide? Are they playing for 2016 and taking the congress back along with the Presidency and then passing so many things that Fox News explodes?

    Where is the ground game? Run half-hour long 'documentaries' on how bad the local congressman is from each district and what you will get for the next two years if you vote for them. There are at least 50 of them in districts like I live in that should be in play.

    But no, all they can do is beg a few times a day for money. What they will do with the money, and what their plans are for Domestic policy, I have no idea. Immigration & min wage doesn't impact me much. And even then they haven't sold me or the American public on a real full plan and one that can shut down the naysayers.
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Well, I think they've figured it out...the question is can they do it in time.
    They'll need to get out the vote like crazy.
    As Pelosi said on Bill Maher last night...it's about getting out the vote. Problem is, many Dem voters have no idea there is a mid-term election, they only are aware of a Presidential election. Or just don't make the effort.

    So if, they're smart...they'll push all their cards and money into the pot for advertising and a ground-game in getting voters to the polls. (and prevent games, fear & confusion by the GOP)
    Question is...will it be in time?
    Are they waiting for an October hail-Mary? To hide the effort from the GOP? Or are they just that disorganized and passive.
    My feeling it's a bit of all of the above.

    We'll see big movements and plays in October.
    All the Dems have to do is block the GOP in the red zone...and they can keep the Senate.

    But all the GOP has to do is ironically the Obama adminstration mantra, "Don't do anything Stupid".
    I wonder if they can...
  6. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    It isn't just about getting out the vote, it is about giving voters a reason to vote for you. They have them, they just don't put it out there.

    Call the Republicans on the lies they and their media allies have been putting out there as false. Expose the problems with doing things their way. Say if you don't like having the government help you, then you aren't patriotic and don't want to improve America... Show what happens when you have little government oversight and how the little guy gets screwed. If they don't like something like Obamacare, call them on it and say "what would you do to improve citizens health and reduce the numbers without insurance?"

    The Daily Show 19151 Highlights - Video Clips - The Daily Show | Comedy Central

    But, they also need to work on implementing the ideas they have and making sure they work the way they should. They have to make sure that the different groups in the Democratic tent all get along together and help each other out. Along with working with each group to come up with a plan for what should be done on immigration, environment, labor, farmers, scientists,women's issues, GLBT issues, etc...
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    The problem with this are the Dems ability and willingness to put something out there...and the attention span of the larger volume of voters.
    While the GOP seems unashamedly willing to put up media lashing out at the Dems, opposing agenda and the current Administration...the Dems seem almost passive in comparison.

    And the GOP has got the knack and momentum on the spin game...the Dems won't be able to contradict this enough in a month and a half time frame.
    Plus the media won't post it or promote it...they only chew on controversy.
    Little spats or spin pieces back & forth don't go up on the evening news or morning papers...or web boards.

    And most voters only "register" in their head when they need to vote for President.
    Anything else doesn't move them to the voting booths...ads and campaigns are just blurs in the mass of noise. Like you start ignoring kids constantly screaming and yelling.

    The only thing they can do is get out the vote...just get them to the polls.
    Convince them to take those hours of their time...and inconvenience...in the middle of the week. (losing money at jobs too...) that it's worth that to go vote. (America has got to be the most inconvenient voting rules...)
    The more you can get them out...the more you'll likely JUST tip the balance on those "on edge" races.

    It just might stop the GOPs advantages...or at least blunt it for this year.
    This would be the best use of their funds and efforts in a month's time.

    The GOP is slowly "dying" but they're going down kicking and screaming.
    Or if they don't want to die...they need to change their policies...because they are slowly losing the greater volume of voters.
    There's only so much time, tricks and manipulations will keep them in office. (and their establishment knows this...their problem is the louder screamers and more active members are the ultra-right types)

    I'm not saying anything that the honest subject matter experts have said.
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    There are some interesting elections going on that may be a sign of things to come.
    One here in Alaska where the Democrat and the Independent joined together to create their own ticket for a governor.
    In Kansas, the Democrat dropped out of the race so the independent moderate could have a good chance of winning.
    The Kansas race has actually made some of the handicappers wonder if the talk of the Republicans getting the Senate is up in the air.

    These cases where hard core red states are peeling back to reveal much more moderate interiors should be interesting.
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Looks like the Federal Courts are starting to go after one of the most effective GOP manipulations to get votes, gerrymandering. (at least I don't know of any for the Dems)

    Federal Court Strikes Down One Of The Most Aggressive Gerrymanders In The Country

    Now is the question if they can set it as a precedent for all the other ones, no matter who it benefits. (Dems, GOP or otherwise...)

    I still think we need a Voting Rights Act or amendment (including making the polling day on the weekend...the full weekend...and/or Monday and making it a federal holiday)
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Yep, Americans are fickle bosses...it's ROM - Results Oriented Management
    Only it's about the results they pay attention to...when they want to pay attention to it.
    "What have you done for me lately??" :rolleyes:

    Gotta bring home the bacon (to everyone...)

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    And to add to the above...even the Senate races don't look so "in the bag" as many thought.
    Late-season surprises shake GOP confidence in Senate elections

    I still say, this is the Dems late season strategy that they "hid" from the GOP.
    Get out the vote, get out the vote, get out the vote.
    They're going to try to make all those lazy Dem voters get out to the polls.

    The GOP really doesn't have an answer for it.
    And even if the GOP wins to a certain extent, they're going to make them sweat.

    You know what it smells like when Elephants sweat?? (although it can't be worse than when a Donkey sweats... ;))
    Smelly Congress, peeew. :confused:
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, congrats to the GOP.
    You're now in front...what are you going to do with it?
    Please don't do what I worry you're going to do...do good things with it. Prove the bastards wrong.

    For Republicans, the hard part is about to begin

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
  13. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The Democratic coalition is still pretty strong if exit polls are an indicator. Turnout was the issue; no surprise in a mid-term election.

    Women voted more for Ds by 8%, Blacks by 81%, Hispanics by 30%, millennials by 13%.

    Republicans still rely heavily on white, older voters.
  14. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    Because the conservatives on the right wing are a bunch of hateful, racist, bigot, lying, selfish, corrupt a-holes that can brainwash and unify their base to support them. They used every dirty political tactic to prevent anything from getting done and now expect to have Obama rubber stamp everything they send to him. They think they are special and good when they are anything but. They just have better PR campaigns and make people think that the Democrats are going to take away your "freedom" when it will be the Republicans who will do that very quickly when they are in charge.

    Whereas the Democrats look like they don't know what they are doing and have no strategy, no answer about how to connect to the old white man and their kids who vote religion and guns, and no media presence. They need to figure out how to run campaigns and sending out 500 e-mails begging for money is not how you do it.
  15. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    What is totally bizarre is states that passed referendums for things like raising the minimum wage, legalizing pot, gay marriage, and gun control also elected Republicans.

    It should be interesting to see if Mitch McConnell does what he threatened to do which is send all the spending bills to the president with poison pills in them, like defunding the EPA and the ACA so he can make it look like it's the presidents fault that the government is shutting down.
    If that happens I can only hope the American people are smart enough to realize what is going on.
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I think he'll be a vetoing fool...poison pill or not.
    He'll keep the tone as he's being a strong president...and the GOP will be blamed. (because it is the party "in power" that gets blamed)
    Plus Obama has nothing to lose.

    Hillary is on her own...as are the Dems.
    Put on your big boy pants y'all.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    This is a good summary of my sentiments.
    Use it ...or lose it.
    And do it well for those you represent...
    not the backers, not the lobbyists, not the ideologues
    For...the nation, its citizens.

    Get good shit done.

  18. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    The media and Democrats have been overly simplifying those who make up the Republican Party. Many believe there literally is a "war on women" by the party as an example.

    Take me as an example - I am conservative, registered Republican, associate with the Tea Party, but I have libertarian leanings.

    My only problem with the minimum wage is it makes it harder for young people with no job skills and a poor education to enter the work force. It is inflationary but will not hurt nor help the economy within a reasonable increase - I can see many voting for it.

    I support legalizing (but regulating) all illegal drugs. I don't care what drug an adult chooses to use in private.

    I don't believe government should regulate marriage at all. The law should recognize what we call marriage as civil unions, or contracts. Marriage in my view is religious.

    I have no problem with background checks, waiting periods, mandatory licensing, and registration of guns. Even restrictions on the sale of certain types of military grade firearms/weapons. I am not currently a member of the NRA but I was at one time - the only reason I am not a member now is that a few years ago when I was having financial issues I dropped memberships in many groups including the NRA to save money.

    In addition:

    I have no problem with birth control, immigration reform, taxing carbon in a manner that covers real social costs, equal pay, Medicare and guaranteed healthcare for children - among many other liberal things.

    Reading characterizations on TFP of my views, Tea Party views, conservative views, Republican views often makes me laugh.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I agree with what you're saying to a certain extent...however, the issue is not the individuals.
    It's what ending up being "said".
    Or even what's being acted on that gets people up in arms about the GOP.

    They say that too much "red meat" can hurt you.
    And that seems to be what it's like...when you get many GOP or conservative leaning individuals in a calm state...they discuss things just like you do now.

    However, when you get them in an impassioned state...the rhetoric that comes out is outrageous...and overboard.
    I've seen you do that.
    I've had my dad do that.
    I've seen my sister do that, before she changed to the "other side" (now she's liberal, while I've stayed in the middle all this time)
    And I see GOP public figures do that.

    So, then you find that articulate logical person coming at you guns a blazin'
    "Obama's a communist muslim" or "He's the WORST president EVER"
    "rape can be controlled"
    "abortion is evil"
    etc...and so on

    Then, for some reason...much of the GOP lines up with this impassioned individual and they act on the most ABSURD positions. (like they did with Cruz)

    Is it to make a point???
    Do your passions or anger get the best of them?
    Do they have to follow everyone else for that moment?? (which DOES help get things done, btw...at least there is a benefit, they're not wishy-washy like the Dems)

    It's surreal, some of the postures I see.
    And unfortunately, many are potentially harmful and ill-conceived.

    It's like a cool dude that you hang out often...then you find yourself saying, "You did WHAT??"

    I tell you, it doesn't compute for me. Doesn't make sense.
    And I'm not a liberal...just a practical GDI.

    Why would they take some of the positions they do??
    Why say the things they say??
    Why twist history and reality??

    Again, just to make a point to satisfy your passion and anger?? :confused:

    The GOP eats too much red-meat; needs to go on a diet.
    The Dems don't eat enough meat, too many veggies; need to gain some heft.

    The best thing that the GOP can do is keep calm, be very practical and productive...this will throw off the Dems completely, make 2016 actually reasonable for the GOP, keep the momentum going, gain credibility.
    However, from what I've seen, I can almost guarantee that they'll go overboard...making Hillary's job easy and giving her a HUGE target and 2016 will be an anger wave vs. the Congress, not Obama.

    The GOP are their own worst enemies.
    Same is true for many conservatives. (including here...)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  20. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The single most obvious message to come out of the election is that voters want an end to partisan gridlock and want more compromise and consensus building.

    Some perspective:
    That is quite a swing from "no compromise" (down from 57% to 42%) to "compromise" (up from 33% to 50%).

    We'll see soon enough on extending a CR to keep the government running.

    Boehner and McConnell have indicated that they wont hold the CR hostage to more spending cuts and/or govt shutdown but are already getting push back from the Tea Party minority within the Republican caucus.

    Will the Republican leadership stand firm or capitulate to the TP and let the craziest inmates run the asylum?