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The debates on the Debates

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    According to Flesch–Kincaid readability, roachboy's post should be understood by those just above a high-school education, maybe those with some college education (12.9 grade level). That does rank pretty highly, I'll grant you.

    However, there are many handy online dictionaries and thesauruses. For example, thesaurus.com provides such words as insincerity and deceit as alternatives to disingenuousness, thereby reducing six syllables to five and two, respectively.
    • Like Like x 6
  2. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I don't know if this helps. It's from the BBC. BBC News - US election: The key issues

    There are some other issues that I would expect to be big, but aren't. Examples:

    * Housing
    * Jobs (I'm not hearing any detail from either side)
    * Climate change (I'm guessing neither side wants it on the table)
    * Europe and how the USA will deal with the crisis and its impact
    * The Federal Reserve
    * Education
    * Gay rights
    * Privacy and human rights (and the violation of same)

    I'm also disappointed that some of the other runners (Jill Stein, for example) get no voice at all, at least from what I can see.

    I think the two main contenders have managed the agenda.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, it's actually out there in some detail...of course there is more to work on & work out.
    Nor am I naive enough to think this won't change as necessary, by situation, his choice or our illustrious Congress.
    But his platform is right on his site.
    However, you are right to ask what, where, when and how...as we should do with all candidates.

    Better still to ask, what Romney plans.
    Because so far...there's not much in details...or they keep changing...most of it is writ-large and the essense of "Trust Me".

    I suspect Obama's plans are simply a continuation and expansion of his previous efforts and the past four years.
    He'll likely make a change on Energy...as he switches out Secretaries. (as well as State and Treasury)
    He'll likely make a couple of more court appointments. (no doubt, center-left candidates)
    Personally, I think he'll end the Drug War, especially on Pot.
    Re-enforce Obamacare, lock that down solid.
    Maybe expand the new Consumer Protection Agency, re-enforce that...and perhaps go after the big wasters on Wall Street finally.

    If he can do it...but he'll need the cooperation of Congress...something big on SS, Medicare
    And he'll continue to optimize the inefficiencies of government...which I know he's doing with great effort. (especially with Jack Lew as CoS)
    And likely whittle down the Military and DHS too...or at least continue to get rid of glutted projects and contracts.

    I doubt he's going to waste his time on taxes, no matter the need or desire...he'll let Congress take the fall for that if they want.
    He's got better things to invest his efforts on.
  4. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I'm actually not much of a couch person and I love a grand adventure.

    Reading through your comments I have to ask what do you think Romney should sell first to pay for his plans? The Military? We could rent it out? Maybe he could find a buyer for The Smithsonian? Or the National Library. What do you think he should sell for this "adventure?"

    Sorry not voting for a guy that can't give me answers and when he does supply the answers they are completely dependent on the audience.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  5. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Big Bird and Planned Parenthood
  6. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico

    Those are Romney's plans, he has put out those details. Problem is with the many trillions needed those moves will make up a few million or maybe a billion or two. Really nothing more then a percent or two of a percent. Another reason I think Romney/Ryan suck at math. Or are just flat lying. Not to mention there just moves to appease the right who think women's health is a evil issue and Sesame St. is a commie plot to brainwash children.
  7. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    Well, the big hits would need to be in education and Medicaid. The EPA would be another, but that is a much smaller saving. It has to be these because almost everything else of any significance is off the table - unless he changes his mind later and does cut some things he said he wouldn't.

    There are savings to be made through growth and improvements that reduce unemployment, reducing the need for support to the unemployed. These are built into the system and don't require "cuts". The big question is whether any of that would happen - and the Romney campaign gambles that tax cuts will bring this about as far as I can tell. It's a massive gamble with little in the way of precedent to support it.

    The only other saving is via "eradicating loopholes". This mainly comes from the rich, surely? Or does "loophole" not mean what we think it means? It's difficult to see how much exctra revenue can be brought in this way (even though it should be done). There have to be massive holes still to be filled. Which brings us back to education and Medicaid.
  8. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The biggest piece of the discretionary spending pie is defense, but that is off the table for Romney.

    So is any revenue increases by letting the Bush tax cuts for the top one percent expire.

    Without both, there is no realistic or honest Romney plan for debt reduction.
    --- merged: Oct 13, 2012 at 9:54 AM ---
    Mark Zandi, a McCain economic advisor in 08, is the latest to state that closing all tax loopholes and deductions currently given to the wealthy wont make up for lowering the top rate by 20%.

    So, either the middle class pay higher taxes or even more non-defense discretionary spending has to be cut that will cripple many working families or the debt goes up.

    Simple arithmetic.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2012
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  9. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Or simple fraud.

    Either way the numbers don't add up and all the "grand adventures" schemes in the world won't change that. I lean toward fraud myself because I give Romeny and Ryan the benefit of not being idiots... they're just betting the average voter is which is- sadly a pretty good bet.
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I'm not sure it's an either/or. I predict that all of those things will happen (though the income tax rate itself may not increase, the burden will, as will the gap between the richest and everyone else).
  11. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK

    [20]American Jobs Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  12. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Most recently, the pro-veterans Republicans in Congress even blocked the much smaller ($1 billion) Veteran's Job Corp Act that would have provided grants to state/local govts to hire veterans as police/fire/ems, provided job training programs for vets, transition assistance to vets, etc.
  13. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    One? The other? Both? Really it doesn't matter much in the end. The result is the same- more of the same. The wealthy get more wealthy and the middle class works harder for less. The poor? Romeny's already said he's not concerned about them so we know what they're going to receive.

    Every time, lately, I hear or see Romeny speak I can't get Harold Hill out of my head.
  14. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK

    Yes, I know about the Jobs Act. My point was that it doesn't seem to be discussed much in the debates (in detail). The agenda has been fixed by the parties involved and, in my opinion, it misses some important stuff.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    What would Reagan do?
  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i don't quite get how imposing exactly the kind of austerity (except for the wealthy and the military of course) that is suffocating much of europe, based on a logic that is straight out of herbert hoover, could be understood as a big adventure. except maybe in the sense that hanging yourself from a door frame is a big adventure.

    this quite apart from the obvious horseshit that is romney's actual "plan."
  17. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    It probably hasn't been carted out because of it's unpopularity with both sides, for different reasons. Still, it's "a plan" in comparison to "no plan."

    Of course the amorphous Romney/Ryan plan is destined for success because Romney has an interest and experience in working with the "other side" whereas President Obama has proven himself to be a stonewaller.

    And the moon is made of cheese.
  18. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    it is remarkable the extent to which the inhabitants of that special reality of conservativeland have managed to figure a way to see themselves as persecuted by joe biden's facial expressions. what makes it funnier is that the party of roger ailes and karl rove is complaining about decorum in politics. (i read that line somewhere).

    0f course, the right cannot be honest about libya because among the main problems is the consequences of the rumsfeldian emphasis on private mercenaries...er "security companies"


    private security contractors. yet another failed conservative idea.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  19. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Watched the VP debate in full last night.

    In terms of persuasiveness, Biden had Ryan beat hands down.

    I do realize that the American nature of being left or right in every matter causes for much ridicule from either side towards the other, but it is laughable how people attempt to characterize Ryan's performance.

    Yes, he looked like a teen prematurely challenging his father/uncle at times, but overall he was a formidable opponent on the debate stage. On the other side of the coin, Biden's behavior was often justified, but at times quite patronizing and inappropriate for a debate.

    Maybe the amount of ridicule is based more in left vs right idiocy, than the actual debate. In that case, I take my hat off and let you guys continue in being self-righteous.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Just finally watched them today...is it me, or are people exaggerating the emotions, personalities and events on these things??

    They make it sound like Biden went WWF on Ryan or became Robin Williams in hyperdrive.

    As a matter of fact personality-wise, if you changed Biden into Romney and Ryan into Obama...you'd have the first debate.
    Except that Biden didn't change his policy or what's he's said before...

    Do we have a double-standard here??

    Raging Republicans can get away with outrageous statements...because that's just them.
    And Dems are just expected to be polite and boring...cerebral.

    Ryan looked down at his notes, just like Obama...both of them were Wonks.
    Biden was no more "rude" than Romney.

    And yes, Biden won this one...hands down, he did everything Obama should have done in the first...and hopefully does in the second.
    Now, Ryan wasn't horrid or even bad (just like Obama)...but it's obvious who was the stand-out.

    And the Media calling this a draw...well, they've got to get their heads checked.
    "Liberal Media", my ass!!

    PLEASE start calling these people out on their outlandish exaggerations and rationalizations.
    Either way! Either side!
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