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The Complaining and Bitching Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ASU2003, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    They're heeeeeeeere, @Fremen. Left the home visit just in time. Fourth accident shutting down I-10 in the past 3 days. Shuts it down for 3+ hours every time. Fecking mess.
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  2. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Insanely busy, but successful week. Now I'm feeling wiped out.....
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Breathe, @hamsterball. And read a snippet.
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  4. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I like the way you think, dear @snowy. Time to leave DC and the FDA behind and float into the "snowy zone."
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  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    4:30 is always go time for thunderstorms. Especially when I fell asleep late and get to sleep in...
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  6. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Way too much to do, way too little motivation because it's Friday.
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  7. I am exhausted.

    Didn't get to sleep until 11:30 last night and was up at 6 am this morning. Six and a half hours is usually plenty of sleep, but it wasn't a solid 6.5 hours. I was up at 12:30 to deal with a whiny cat and then again at 3:30 to pump.

    There will be no nap in my future, but I will go to bed when BabySquirrel does at 8 or so.

    My iron is probably low too.....
  8. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Motorola Solutions just laid off 25% more of it's workforce and spouse was one of them. Woot. Unemployment.
    Soon the company will cease to exist. And so it goes...
  9. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I just learned that my Chair doesn't check her email on the weekends.
    So, she won't get my questions and wouldn't get my dissertation until Sunday night at the earliest.
    I've developed a facial twitch from this thing.
    I dream of my dissertation... that I tell everyone I meet about it.

    Time to engage coping skills... Orange is the New Black, The 100, Masterchef Australia, and assorted Gordon Ramsay rantings, a bath and a novel.
    Perhaps a good cry to alleviate, moderate, and mediate the stress. Definitely wine.
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    fuckin' just has to stop my debit card...some shithead charged $100 on it in Georgia. :mad:

    Well, at least my bank noted it quick and brought it to my attention.
    These suckers wait until late Friday, so you often won't see it until Mon-Tue and can't do anything until Monday.
  11. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    Late coming in to this party, but I like the haphazard mix of fonts as well as the term "love ones" as opposed to "loved ones".
    And, it's low-hanging fruit but what the hell...
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
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  12. DAKA


    Anyone else notice, rolls of TP getting 1/2" narrower?
  13. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Everything's getting smaller, thinner, lighter and tighter, except my ass.
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  14. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    Oh, that made me laugh. Thanks for that ;)
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  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Dammit. We forgot to pack ibuprofen.
  16. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    A friend of mine dips these little snuff packets that come in little tins, a smaller version of Altoid tins.
    I use one of the tins to keep toothpicks, ibuprofen, shop chalk and spare change in my pocket.
  17. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    My ex is the most unintentionally inconsiderate person I've ever known. She was kind enough to give my dog a good coat brushing while watching her during my absence this week, but she never bothered sweeping up any of the leftover fur... and there was, not surprisingly, plenty of it. Reminds me of all the times she'd be kind enough to sweep the cat litter near the litterbox into piles that she'd leave on the floor, either in plain view or ever so discreetly hidden under the broom propped up against the wall.

    I am so happy not to share a home with her anymore.
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  18. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I know that this tablet is just a stopgap so I can be online until I get to AK but the damned thing is driving me nuts.
    To try and use one as your only access to the net is seriously frustrating, I don't care what anyone says.
    Trying to type on a screen sucks balls and it refuses to cut and paste without the sacrifice of a virgin.
    Some videos play just fine, usually the one I hit by accident, others just load for a half hour.
    The loading part appears to be because I have to use my phone as a hot spot so the connection is part of the issue but I will be so glad to have my desktop back.
  19. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    That would make me nuts with frustration.
    Have you considered reading a book?
    Also, I'm feeling worried that the kid and me gave spouse a tablet for Father's Day.
  20. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    I have too say that it would be a great gift and would be really handy, so don't feel bad about getting it as a gift.
    I'm glad I have it all things considered.
    I've been reading too.
    Gone through six books in the past couple of weeks.
    My folks don't watch TV and I have been riding a rented bike around the town.
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