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The Complaining and Bitching Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ASU2003, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It's never a good idea to stop right before a sex scene unless you think you'll be in the headspace to write such a scene soon, especially when writing dominating blowjobs. Paging @hamsterball.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Now, you see? This is how a boy gets a reputation, snowy! You make one.....or two.....or........many cracks about blowjobs and you're instantly labeled for life.

    However, it's kind of a personal guideline that I never turn down an opportunity for a dominating blowjob. I mean.....one doesn't want to be rude.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Ugh, I have things to do but my digestive system has decided to make them all impossible to do.

    I guess I will sit here and write that blowjob scene instead.
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Oh, work.

    Listen, dummies: If I did up a contract several months ago with Company X and then move to Company Y, why is it not somehow obvious that one would have to create/modify a lot of documents to get shit in motion again?

    I'm not a lawyer but I do know that .PDFs with other people's names on them probably aren't legally binding.

    For fuck's sake.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  5. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Wrong thread. Sorry.
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Being on hold with the Veteran's Administration is an emotional war crime.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I have so many complaints today I cannot take the time or mind to list them.

    Do over, start again tomorrow.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    Fucking God damned Hawaii. I got pulled over a little bit ago on my way back from getting some toilet paper (I had accidentally bought 1-ply TP last time, UGH.. Can't stand that crap). I was leaving the parking lot -almost all the way out and way out at the distant outskirts of the parking lot where there weren't any cars or people - and got pulled over in the fucking parking lot. Apparently I was doing like 20 miles per hour. I didn't get ticketed so it';s not really bad or anything, it's just another reminder of one of the single biggest thing I hate here - Hawaii's fucking ridiculously low speed limits. I think the highest speed limit is on Highway H1 or H3 is like 50 or 55mph. There are literally only 3 relatively short highways on the whole Island of Oahu - there are smaller ones, but the main 3 highways are sort of equivalent to other states' big multi-lane Interstates, but called highways because.. well, they can't be actual interstate highways for reasons I would think are obvious...) It drives me nuts.

    I can't wait to move to SoCal in October - I mean I will hate the fuzz pulling me over all the time because I drive *gasp* an un-'murican import with a street-legal but visible aftermarket exhaust (which I will make much quieter before I get there so as to avoid pissing them off as much as possible), but I will love finally being able to bust out and do 70 or 80 on Interstate 5. Apparently going 20+ mph over the pathetically-low speed limit here requires a mandatory 10-day jail sentence and huge fine. SOOO ghey.
  9. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    yes because at the end of the month ford will quit supporting windows xp

    i hate a mother fucking getrag.
  10. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Pfft... you're clearly not driving with aloha.

    When I was there it didn't matter how fast you went because some idiot on the main drag was stopped, letting in some dude off a tiny side street, shaking a shaka at all his neighbors and generally being far out gnarly mondo rad.
  11. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    People and their sensitive egos. I'm not in the mood for this today at work.

    And don't try to bypass me.
  12. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    • Like Like x 3
  13. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Low body temperature and a migraine. Shit.
    I can't get sick right now.
    There's a front coming through, so that might explain the headache. It's cooler than it has been, which might explain 97.5 temp. I thought I had a fever, but it was the reverse... I've actually been running almost 98.5 lately, go me!
    Man, I hope that's it... blame the weather. And the Angry Gojira.
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Deeply irritated.
  15. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    About to lose it. No more today, please.
  16. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Every time I think I can't feel worse about all of the shit in my life, a day like today comes along to prove me wrong
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Awww. Maybe you need a snippet.
  18. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I'm feeling that way today, too. We'll get through it!
  19. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I took the day off work today to babysit a contractor laying tile that my wife hired. It's 3:45 and he finally showed up. He's pissy about working late, he's pissy because I won't take another day off work and he's very close to being tossed out.
  20. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I wish I was making this up, but my old lady just announced our next trip...


    If I don't make it back... it's been great, people.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
    • Like Like x 8