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The Complaining and Bitching Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ASU2003, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Dude, I'm talking about a long time ago... the only thing the US manufactures now are morbidly obese people and reality stars. Thus the "giving up" part.

    It's probably obvious that I like the German half better.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
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  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    And propaganda.

    Doberman pinscher.
    Doppler effect.
    Geiger counter.

    Yeah, you're probably right.
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  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I don't know. The U.S. clearly has much higher production values. I think what makes North Korean propaganda effective is that they feel it is truly theirs. It's them vs. the rest of the world, y'know?

    As for America, there is that whole conservative vs. liberal thing, which is all a part of it. So Americans think they're agreeing or disagreeing with stuff, based on their freedom of choice.

    It's pretty hilarious.

    Silly Americans.


    Was glänzt, ist für den Augenblick geboren,
    Das Echte bleibt der Nachwelt unverloren.
    —J. W. von Goethe, Faust I, Vorspiel auf dem Theater​
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  5. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I like German because everything sounds angry. You could be saying "LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE PUPPY" and it would still sound like you were trying to murder me with the right tone and volume.

    The semester is almost over. I am not ready for the semester to be almost over. I don't have enough time for everything I need to do. Science is too much hurry up and wait.
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The same goes for Klingon, I think.
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  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    You know what would be awesome? The Stupid Fucking Cat song in German.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Oh my god.
    Oh my god.
    Oh my god.

    I need this in my life.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Don't you mean, "Schauen Sie sich dieses entzückende Welpen!"?
  10. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    So I've been watching this show about people 'roughing it' in Alaska. Everything they do is pretty much 1) getting ready for winter and 2) winter. There's all this drama about getting enough food stored to last through the winter. Come to find out after doing a little research, yeah, they live in Alaska and they do all of these things, but in reality the closest grocery is only about a mile away. Kind of takes the thrill out of the whole thing. I hate television.
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  11. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Also, because I love you:

    Heilige Scheiße, es ist ein weiterer verdammter Tag!
    Es ist der beste Tag, nie wieder!
    Denn ich bin ein verdammt dumm Katze und ich weiß nicht, Scheiße, und ich weiß nicht, was es ist traurig zu sein!
    Ich denke, ich werde um für keinen guten Grund laufen und zu handeln wie es ist ich habe Sachen zu tun!
    Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie sehr sich die Welt saugt, denn ich habe keine Refrence Ebene

    Heilige der Hölle! Der Kerl ist mir bringen Essen!
    Diese Nahrung saugt aber ich weiß nicht einmal wissen.
    Jetzt bin ich in einer Box zu scheißen, weil ich sie nicht ein fuck und der Kerl wirft es für mich ~

    Nun, ich denke, ich werde hier hinlegen.
    Nun, ich denke, ich werde hier hinlegen, denn ich habe keine verdammte Rechnungen zu bezahlen!

    Manchmal schaue ich aus Fenstern, weil ich dumm bin, wie die Hölle!
    Heiligen Christus, es ist ein Stück Papier!
    Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie sinnlos, ich bin und ich weiß gar nicht, ich werde sterben!

    Jetzt ist es Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen, gotta get einige verdammt Rest!
    Denn es ist der beste Tag überhaupt morgen!

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  12. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Clearly, this is awesome, but in order for it to be complete, I need you to sing it to me. Duh.
  13. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    You know I will.
  14. Saiorse

    Saiorse Vertical

    My recliner
    Gosh, maybe I should just move on to another thread. I'm not quite sure what to say about the German Love Fest going on here..... ;)

    I'd like to learn to speak Irish because the pure Irish language sounds so musical, like living art...... beautiful. Grandson wants to learn, too. Might be handy for 2 of us to speak language no one near us speaks at some point in time.....
    I checked it out and it's NOT easy to learn. Seems the Irish love vowels - esp ones that are silent or combine to sound like a totally different vowel. My site name - it's pronouned "Seer-shuh" How do you get those sounds from that spelling?
    We have our work cut out for us. Yet he wants to learn Irish, unlike the language he was FORCED to learn in school, despite his autism and the English language being his worst academic problem/disability.

    That doesn't make sense either - forcing a second language on a disabled autistic kid beginning in kindergarten?
    He still 'learn' the numbers, colors, etc repeatedly each year, never progresses or tries to learn. They just pass him to next grade passing all but Spanish. He's in 9th grade now and still had to relearn words we "learned" almost 10 years ago.
    Shouldn't a disabled child with problems learning his natural language correctly, work on that more than learning a second language - one he has told them he doesn't want to learn for almost 9 years? And hasn't learned it either.
    Won't. When he graduates high school I will remember and speak more Spanish than he does (taken by me over 35 yrs ago by my FREE choice and used a few times over the years).
    When younger I think he was just confused and unable to do everything this state wanted him to do in school for second language.....now (like me) he's gone stubborn, dug in his heels against their repeated attempts to force him, and although the teacher says he's a pleasure in class, he's just wasting time there. I really believe if they let him use an individual system to learn Irish, he would do it. Because he really wants to speak Irish and is motivated. Not that it would be much use. So what? I've been interested and learned many things that are impractical and unnecessary except for my pleasure.

    Something isn't right with this situation - on several levels IMO

    Ok, now I've griped and can enjoy the rest of my day, hopefully. :D
  15. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I've never been to Ireland, but have been to Scotland twice. One of my XBILs (we're still friends) is Scottish.

    It's interesting to talk to folks in Scotland. The ones who are better educated, travel more, and have to deal with The Outside World on a regular basis tend to be much more understandable. Otherwise nobody outside of Scotland could understand what the hell they're saying.

    We were in a small pub in Dunfermline (best known as the resting place of Robert the Bruce) late in the day after most the tourists had left. I could understand very little of the conversations, which wasn't surprising since most of the patrons were locals over 50 years old. I managed to follow some of the conversation between the four young guys at the table next to us; it's seems that fahk (pronounced fast & harshly) is the Unofficial Word of Scotland.
  17. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Don't blame/hate/judge me (well, you can if you want to), I used Google Translate.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. I was wondering why @plan9 changed his profile picture. Then I read that conversation and it made my day.

    Reminded me of a child-rearing conversation:

    Me: Let's teach BabySquirrel Japanese too. And by that I mean you...and your mom. I'll just bow a lot.
    DaddySquirrrel: You could teach her French.
    Me: No. That's a useless language. Just like the people. Being a Japanese business woman is much better than a Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey.
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  19. Saiorse

    Saiorse Vertical

    My recliner
    My brother speaks fluent Japanese from being stationed there many years in the Navy at Misawa (base in northern Japan). So I think we have the Japanese (difficult language) covered.
    I had a CHOICE in school to learn Latin, Spanish, German, French and I CHOSE Spanish, still enjoy speaking it un poco.

    I also have a niece who lives in Japan, speaks fluent English & Japanese that I haven't seen for 10 years.
    She looks kinda like me except with an oriental twist to her features.

    When she was 5 yr, she managed to access a restricted area on the base - which didn't make my brother's superiors very happy. How restricted was it - if a 5 year old girl could get in? That's scary :eek:
    Then later, she was going room to room at the hotel, going in people's rooms to talk with them - just friendly.
    But they couldn't find her and were flipping out. LOL

    My brother was, like "Help, my daughter is just like my sister!" ROTFL
    He told me she acted almost exactly like me when she was young.
    I didn't meet her until she was 7 years old. We made quick pals, our temperament so alike.
    She is quite the character, or was as a child. She's coming over next year for a visit - FINALLY.
    I can understand how young girl from rural village would be anxious about traveling round 1/2 the world.
  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

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