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Tell me your deepest, darkest secret.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Xerxes, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    daughter hugs are the best
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  2. DAKA



    POPEYE Very Tilted

    I know that I'm new here, but I would like to add something @Ralphi250 and @Borla. 15 yrs ago my BNL was a gun smith and on Prozac, this is important, he was forced to change Drs. the new " Dr" changed his meds to ADD stuff. A month later he shot himself in his garage, we Loved him and still do. His two boys then 2 & 3 now 17 & 18 probably have little to no memory but seem to be so affected they are now showing real signs of " not being able to fit in " and are dis-respectful to their mother my sister which we are given no choice to help. She won't let us. and further more that stigma? She has never re-married. she chose not too after a few boyfriends and some men after knowing.... wouldn't. hang in there its for the best for everyone. Best wishes
  4. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    @ralphie250, I know @Borla already said it better than I could, but I'll put in my two cents' worth here: You're a good man, and this place (and this world) isn't better off if you were gone.

    Your family needs you.
    Your daughter needs you.
    We need you.

    Don't check out on us- this party ain't over yet. ;)

    Lastly, don't listen to any negative voices, no matter where they come from:
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
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  5. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Was this Reverend delivering kool-aid?
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  6. Did that make you feel better ? I actually wasn't even hated by cops either I did what I did to get by if laws were different I would of done other things to get by , it's pretty simple I don't aim to harm but I would rather it be you than me .

    I didn't rob people as much as stores for shoes , clothes and food , took change from cars .

    As far as ppl killing me if laws were different , that's speculation on your part as I would adjust if what you say is true but it's possible so is me killing them if it came to it it,s all speculation but how you come off it sounds like you don't like me or someone who has done similar maybe bc it's happened to you ?

    I'm happy you've never had to fend for yourself since you were basically 4 but I did and while some of it's a shame it's still something I did bc I had to and I wont regret that but I also have volunteered to help the homeless many times at a place in my city sadly the guy I use to go there to work under died recently . Also if you were wondering yes I started at that place bc of an arrest but I kept going after bc it's nice to help out those who are struggling like I have or worse .
  7. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    @borla - I knew I liked you; I just didn't know how much until I read this. More people need to understand that mental illness is an ILLNESS and not something that you can sweep under the carpet or poopoo away. Maybe someone with a situational depression could "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and "get over it", but I will never say that. I hate people who whisper and gossip and say he's psycho, she's bipolar - as if it's a way to describe an unlikeable person. Being bipolar myself, it makes me uncomfortable and crushes my spirit. Sure, I may be bipolar, but that is just one thing. I am kind, sensitive, loving, funny, intelligent and intuitive. Grouping anyone into the "bipolar" category does a disservice for everyone.

    And @ralphie250 you know I'm around if you need to talk.

    Ok, off my soapbox now.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    same to you @redsneaker
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Wow, how did I miss this.

    @ralphie250, @Borla already said what really needs to be said in terms of getting yourself help, though I will say a good GP can prescribe meds and refer you to a specialist for additional treatment (though proceed with caution: some GPs have no idea what they're doing when it comes to SSRIs). But do know that we're always here to support you. You're absolutely not alone. Depression and anxiety are both things I've struggled with for a long time, and the experience is different for everyone.

    Many years ago, I took a CBT workshop on campus called Feel Better Fast. I found it helped a lot in changing my thought process and realizing that a huge part of battling depression effectively is self-care. Here's a link to the pattern of the workshop, along with the different exercises we did. I still look at it from time to time to remind me of the helpful skills I learned, and still use the Star Chart when things get really bad.

    Feel Better Fast Outline

    Thinking of you, and if you need to chat, hit me up. Hopefully you're feeling a bit better now that the holidays are over. The extra stress never helps.
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  10. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    thanks for the link
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  11. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I'm going to check out that link too!
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  12. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    When I was clinically depressed, I told my therapist that I didn't want to kill myself, but if there was a way to unexist I would have taken it.

    A decade later, I'm glad I didn't. A big part of me not seeking unexistance was being here.

    You have to be in the world to know how much better it will be, but I know it will be better.
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  13. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    id take it
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Here's the question I have for you (and @Daniel_ too, if he doesn't mind replying): does this sensation stem from feeling "low" in the body? Are you tired? Is it hard to get motivated to move? Do you wish you could just lay in bed and sleep all day to avoid doing things?

    One of my greatest ah-ha! moments with my depression came when I realized that I was always going to face a low period in October-November where I just want to hibernate. Last year especially sucked because this low period coincided with two deaths. If I'm not busy, I have to structure my time or else I will turn into a hermit, which makes this extrovert even more unhappy. But it took a long time to realize I had the tools at hand to fix myself. However, medication certainly helped get me off the ground in the first place. You can't clear a hurdle if you can't jump, after all.

    And in case you haven't seen this yet, @ralphie250: Hyperbole and a Half: Adventures in Depression
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  15. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    The hyperbole strip is the best summation I've seen. I didn't ever feel miserable, i just felt ... nothing.

    All I can compare it to is an analogy.

    For years, when there was a bad cold going round, people would say they had flu, and so did I, until the year I actually HAD flu. It made everything I'd ever felt in the way of "flu" just seem totally irrelevant.

    As it was with depression. Previously I'd felt "depressed", until I found myself at the confluence of marital breakup, a job where I was being bullied, and being a single parent. Then I realised that I'd never been depressed before, I'd just been miserable.

    Have you ever used a video camera in lighting conditions that are far too bright? The sensor is so overwhelmed that it shows nothing, just black. Depression to me was like that, for most of a year I lost the ability to feel anything much.
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  16. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    let's start 2015 with a little laugh....my dark secret is..that I use the same bar of ivory soap to wash my ass with that I do my face and hair. what little hair I have remaining.
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  17. DAKA


    Did "we" really need to know that...(doesn't everyone )
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  18. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    I'm laughing about it still
  19. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    A study was done re how sanitary bar soap is compared to liquid body wash. Apparantly there are no issues using bar soap.

    But if yer arse is so dirty that it makes a difference....................................
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  20. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I suppose this is just an effect of having celibacy forced on me (yay, marriage), but I think my preferences are becoming a little less selective:

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
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