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Star Trek

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by snowy, May 18, 2013.

  1. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    DS9 gets interesting in the season after TNG ended for the simple reason that they took over the Universe (i.e. the story of the Trek Universe was theirs to play with).

    I never fully got into Voyager.
  2. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    When they were on air, I stopped watching DS9 just before the epic battles and great story lines picked up. Re-watching it last year was a great decision. Glad I gave it a second chance.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Well, they do and they don't. They do, but they stay in one part of space until they get the Defiant and start using it for more mobility/missions. Voyager, by contrast, is in an entirely new part of space, so it continues on with the same kind of stuff that make TNG fun--meeting a new race nearly every episode, getting into scrapes, etc. Voyager also has more mancandy.
  4. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Soo true. Though Enterprise is my favorite when it comes to yummy men.

  5. I need to give DS9 a chance. I can watch Voyager and TNG all day. But I could never get past the first two episodes of DS9.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I actually thought DS9 was the best of the series, though it took them around three seasons to hit their stride. The first couple of seasons were very meh. But the last four were superb. TNG was excellent, though it also took a couple of seasons for them to hit their stride. I enjoyed Voyager, but I never thought it was great. And Enterprise lost me quickly: the writing was never up to snuff, and I really didn't care for how frequently the Vulcans were assholes, or the whole "rediscovery" of mind-melding and stuff. The whole series just seemed rife with bad choices.
  7. Omg. I felt the same way about Enterprise. Kept yelling "why?!" At the TV.
  8. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Still hoping for a pre-TOS movie or series personally that shows young Kirk, Spock, etc. As in one set in the proper universe and not the "JJ Abrams Trek"
    But I would be delighted if this Star Trek Renegades gets somewhere. Just seeing Adm Chekov in the mid-140+ age range would be a treat, and seeing more than the teaser glimpse of the proper timeline they give you in the 2009 film would be quite welcome as well. This sounds like something Rodenberry would have shot down quickly as too dark or militaristic if he was still able to (much like he disliked the early version of DS9 but died before it was anywhere near finished for production), and this would be a good thing in this case in my opinion.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I'd just like something, anything set in the real universe. I cordially loathed the first JJ Abrams movie, and I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the new one. When it's available for rental on iTunes, maybe I'll see it. But I just detested the way he did his "rebooting," and then blew up Vulcan.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Out of everything in the reboot parallel universe that really bothers me, Vulcan blowing up is low on the list. I have a much harder time with the Apple store/"lens flare R us" look they used for the re-imagined bridge. I understand what kind of advancements have been made in the real world in the past 45-50 years since TOS aired, but they went too far away from the simple primary colours and less cluttered look of the mid 23rd century Constitution class.
    I actually like that kind of dramatic shift in this alternate timeline with blowing up a major planet. I just wish they would drop this alternate universe to the back burner where it belongs and get back to the real universe with some fresh blood that demands to be watched.
  11. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
  12. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
  13. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    Not really related to the coversation thus far, but it's on my mind. I can understand, even respect to an extent, people's negative feelings toward DS9. Yes, it is darker and more militaristic. It does, in a way, project less hope for the future than TOS or TNG. But, there's a balance. I freely admit that I do enjoy (not necessarily prefer, just enjoy) the grittier side of Star Trek. But DS9 also brings a deeper spirituality to Gene's universe. The first two franchises may have touched on different cultures' belief systems as a part of the exploration of new civilizations and such. But the faith of the Bajorans was such an integral part of the series. From Bajor's constant spiritual struggle with the Cardassians to Sisko's journey from just another human to reluctant, grudging acceptance that he has some stake in Bajor's future to Emissary of the Prophets, even during (or maybe even especially during) the Dominion War, there's this perpetual understanding that souls are at stake, higher powers are involved, and there is a very real, spiritual significance to every major occurrence. I think that, more than anything, makes it one of my favourite series.
  14. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I enjoyed DS9. The CO still coming to terms with the loss of his wife, the violent frontier type of setting, a xenomorph as a main character, and a good base operations for the stories just to name a few reasons.
    I do think that Babylon 5 was superior across the board as a sci-fi show, but DS9 is an important part of the main universe and timeline.
  15. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    *Jack Benny is awesome.* I confess I never really gave Babylon 5 a chance, though I always heard it was pretty good. I don't think it's on the Netflix or anything, but hopefully someday.....
  16. m0rpheus

    m0rpheus Getting Tilted

    Guelph ON
    I'd be fine if the JJ Abrams-verse was just movies and they gave us back real Trek on TV.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    I heard a rumour that there's a Worf-centric TV script in the offing. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
  18. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    From what I heard Michael Dorn was pushing for it. Not holding my breath but I would love to see that properly done.
    I so agree. The "J.J Trek" lost my interest completely in less than five minutes. I say that with Leonard helping that first wretched reboot film out, and I did manage to sit through the whole thing without walking out. Ranked up there with the Star Wars prequels on the "already paid for the ticket and not getting any type of partial refund now" thing.
    I have confidence that a new show - be it Renegades or whatever else - will show us the proper timeline again soon and get things back on track again. Nothing is stopping people from enjoying the recent films/alternate timeline if they want to, or just ignoring them and waiting for something watchable if they prefer.
    Both the proper timeline and the current featured alternate have a primary planet destroyed and billions of lives lost, so there is quite a bit to work with either way.
    --- merged: Sep 5, 2013 at 1:33 AM ---
    used to be on netflix, but was dropped from streaming some time ago. They should have it available on their DVD plan still.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
  19. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Saw some exteneded clips of this last 'JJ Trek' film in the breakroom early this morning. My quick thoughts:
    > I still think the bridge on this version of the Constitution class is horrible, but it looks almost decent compared to that catastrophe they call engineering.
    > Had to laugh several times at the lens flare every 20 seconds. Reminded me of a 12 year old playing with photoshop that has never heard of layers, layer group, etc. etc. or anything else beyond the very basics.

    The actors still do a superb job on the overall portrayals. I am giving this film a "definitively skip" for now until I am ready to embrace the pain and give it a full and proper review, at least I can laugh at the sets and camera work whenever I do that.* Can't even brave this one yet to watch unfrozen Sherlock play the villain.
    Gave me confirmation that my decision to not rent this from Redbox was a wise one.

    *The smartest thing is for me to wait until the Riiftrax is available and watch with the dvd audio turned waaay down. That technique made High School Musical an enjoyable experience for me, and that was scraping the bottom of the barrel even for a Disney film.
  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    What they call engineering is actually closer to what a warp drive would probably look like than what previous iterations have shown.